H265 Presets
Live Quality Preset Configurations
adaptiveQuantizationMode | VARIANCE | VARIANCE |
adaptiveQuantizationMotion | FALSE | FALSE |
adaptiveQuantizationStrength | 1 | 1 |
allowedRADLBeforeIDR | 0 | 0 |
analyzeSourceFramePixels | FALSE | FALSE |
asymetricMotionPartitionsAnalysis | FALSE | FALSE |
bAdapt | FULL | FULL |
bframeBias | 0 | 0 |
bframes | 4 | 4 |
blurComplexity | 20 | 20 |
blurQuants | 0.5 | 0.5 |
codingUnitLossless | FALSE | FALSE |
constrainedIntraPrediction | FALSE | FALSE |
copyPicture | TRUE | TRUE |
cutree | TRUE | TRUE |
dynamicRateDistortionStrength | 0 | 0 |
earlySkip | TRUE | TRUE |
encodingMode | SINGLE_PASS | TWO_PASS |
evaluationOfIntraModesInBSlices | FALSE | FALSE |
fastSearchForAngularIntraPredictions | FALSE | FALSE |
forceFlush | DISABLED | DISABLED |
gopLookahead | 0 | 0 |
grainOptimizedRateControl | FALSE | FALSE |
ipRatio | 1.4 | 1.4 |
levelHighTier | TRUE | TRUE |
limitModes | TRUE | TRUE |
limitReferences | DEPTH_AND_CU | DEPTH_AND_CU |
limitSao | FALSE | FALSE |
limitTransformUnitDepthRecursion | LEVEL_4 | LEVEL_4 |
lookaheadSlices | 8 | 8 |
lowpassDct | FALSE | FALSE |
maxCTUSize | 64 | 64 |
maximumTransformUnitSize | MTU_32x32 | MTU_32x32 |
maxMerge | 2 | 2 |
minCodingUnitSize | MCU_8x8 | MCU_8x8 |
motionSearch | HEX | HEX |
motionSearchRange | 57 | 57 |
noiseReductionInter | 0 | 0 |
pbRatio | 1.3 | 1.3 |
pixelFormat | YUV420P | YUV420P |
profile | main | main |
psyRateDistortionOptimization | 2 | 2 |
psyRateDistortionOptimizedQuantization | 0 | 0 |
qpOffsetChromaCb | 0 | 0 |
qpOffsetChromaCr | 0 | 0 |
qpStep | 4 | 4 |
quantizationGroupSize | QGS_32x32 | QGS_32x32 |
quantizerCurveCompressionFactor | 0.6 | 0.6 |
rateDistortionLevelForModeDecision | 3 | 3 |
rateDistortionPenalty | DISABLED | DISABLED |
rcLookahead | 20 | 20 |
rectangularMotionPartitionsAnalysis | FALSE | FALSE |
recursionSkip | TRUE | TRUE |
refFrames | 3 | 3 |
refineRateDistortionCost | FALSE | FALSE |
sao | TRUE | TRUE |
saoNonDeblock | FALSE | FALSE |
scenecutBias | 5 | 5 |
sceneCutThreshold | 40 | 40 |
signHide | TRUE | TRUE |
skipSplitRateDistortionAnalysis | FALSE | FALSE |
slices | 1 | 1 |
ssimRateDistortionOptimization | FALSE | FALSE |
strongIntraSmoothing | TRUE | TRUE |
subMe | 2 | 2 |
temporalMotionVectorPredictors | TRUE | TRUE |
transformSkip | NONE | NONE |
tuInterDepth | 1 | 1 |
tuIntraDepth | 1 | 1 |
wavefrontParallelProcessing | TRUE | TRUE |
weightPredictionOnBSlice | FALSE | FALSE |
weightPredictionOnPSlice | TRUE | TRUE |
Live Low Latency Preset Configurations
Live Low Latency Presets | LIVE_LOW_LATENCY |
adaptiveQuantizationMode | VARIANCE |
adaptiveQuantizationMotion | FALSE |
adaptiveQuantizationStrength | 1 |
allowedRADLBeforeIDR | 0 |
analyzeSourceFramePixels | FALSE |
asymetricMotionPartitionsAnalysis | FALSE |
bAdapt | FAST |
bframeBias | 0 |
bframes | 3 |
blurComplexity | 20 |
blurQuants | 0.5 |
codingUnitLossless | FALSE |
constrainedIntraPrediction | FALSE |
copyPicture | TRUE |
cutree | TRUE |
dynamicRateDistortionStrength | 0 |
earlySkip | TRUE |
encodingMode | SINGLE_PASS |
evaluationOfIntraModesInBSlices | FALSE |
fastSearchForAngularIntraPredictions | TRUE |
forceFlush | DISABLED |
gopLookahead | 0 |
grainOptimizedRateControl | FALSE |
ipRatio | 1.4 |
levelHighTier | TRUE |
limitModes | FALSE |
limitReferences | DEPTH_AND_CU |
limitSao | FALSE |
limitTransformUnitDepthRecursion | DISABLED |
lookaheadSlices | 8 |
lowpassDct | FALSE |
maxCTUSize | 64 |
maxMerge | 2 |
maximumTransformUnitSize | MTU_32x32 |
minCodingUnitSize | MCU_8x8 |
motionSearch | HEX |
motionSearchRange | 57 |
noiseReductionInter | 0 |
pbRatio | 1.3 |
pixelFormat | YUV420P |
profile | main |
psyRateDistortionOptimization | 2 |
psyRateDistortionOptimizedQuantization | 0 |
qpOffsetChromaCb | 0 |
qpOffsetChromaCr | 0 |
qpStep | 4 |
quantizationGroupSize | QGS_32x32 |
quantizerCurveCompressionFactor | 0.6 |
rateDistortionLevelForModeDecision | 2 |
rateDistortionLevelForQuantization | DISABLED |
rateDistortionPenalty | DISABLED |
rcLookahead | 10 |
rectangularMotionPartitionsAnalysis | FALSE |
recursionSkip | TRUE |
refFrames | 2 |
refineRateDistortionCost | FALSE |
sao | TRUE |
saoNonDeblock | FALSE |
sceneCutThreshold | 40 |
scenecutBias | 5 |
signHide | TRUE |
skipSplitRateDistortionAnalysis | FALSE |
slices | 1 |
ssimRateDistortionOptimization | FALSE |
strongIntraSmoothing | TRUE |
subMe | 2 |
temporalMotionVectorPredictors | TRUE |
transformSkip | NONE |
tuInterDepth | 1 |
tuIntraDepth | 1 |
wavefrontParallelProcessing | TRUE |
weightPredictionOnBSlice | FALSE |
weightPredictionOnPSlice | TRUE |
means that the default value of the codec configuration is used. Please see the API reference for the respective value.
Updated 28 days ago