Playing protected content with DRMtoday


If you are not sure what DRM is, you want have an overview and get started, please have a look at our DRM Setup Guide.

Nearly every license provider, such as Irdeto or EZDRM, requires a few special information being sent to the DRM license server, or responds with a proprietary format. Instead of integrating a few license providers into the core of our player, we decided to provide necessary configuration options via the player configuration.


const source = {
  drm: {
    widevine: {
      headers: { 'x-dt-custom-data': 'BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA' },
      prepareLicense: licenseObj => {
        const license = {license: licenseObj.license};

        try {
          const drmTodayObj = JSON.parse(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, licenseObj.license));
          if (drmTodayObj && drmTodayObj.status && drmTodayObj.license) {
            if (drmTodayObj.status === 'OK') {
              const str = window.atob(drmTodayObj.license);
              const bufView = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(str.length));
              for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
                bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
              license.license = bufView;
            } else {
              throw 'DRMtoday license not okay';
          } else {
            throw 'no valid DRMtoday license';
        } catch (e) {
          throw 'no valid DRMtoday license';
        return license;

Please replace the following placeholders in the code:

  • DASH_MANIFEST_URL: The URL to the DASH manifest (MPD) file.
  • WIDEVINE_LICENSE_SERVER_URL: The URL to DRMtoday's Widevine license server.
  • BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA: The base64 encoded custom data that DRMtoday expects in license requests.


const source = {
  drm: {
    playready: {
      headers: {
        'x-dt-custom-data': 'BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA'

Please replace the following placeholders in the code:

  • DASH_MANIFEST_URL: The URL to the DASH manifest (MPD) file.
  • PLAYREADY_LICENSE_SERVER_URL: The URL to DRMtoday's Playready license server.
  • BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA: The base64 encoded custom data that DRMtoday expects in license requests.


const source = {
  drm: {
    fairplay: {
      headers: { 'x-dt-custom-data': 'BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA' },
      prepareMessage : event => `spc=${encodeURIComponent(event.messageBase64Encoded)}`,
      prepareContentId: contentId => {
        const pattern='skd://drmtoday';
        const idx = contentId.indexOf(pattern);
        let parameters = '';
        if (idx > -1) {
          parameters = contentId.substring(idx + pattern.length);
          parameters = parameters.replace(/assetid/gi, 'assetId');
          parameters = parameters.replace(/variantid/gi, 'variantId');
        return parameters
      useUint16InitData: true,

Please replace the following placeholders in the code:

  • HLS_MANIFEST_URL: The URL to the HLS Multivariant Playlist (M3U8) file.
  • FAIRPLAY_LICENSE_SERVER_URL: The URL to DRMtoday's Fairplay license server.
  • FAIRPLAY_CERTIFICATE_SERVER_URL: The URL to retrieve the Fairplay certificate.
  • BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA: The base64 encoded custom data that DRMtoday expects in license requests.

Complete example for Widevine, PlayReady, Access and FairPlay

const source = {
  drm: {
    widevine: {
      headers: { 'x-dt-custom-data': 'BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA' },
      prepareLicense: licenseObj => {
        const license = {license: licenseObj.license};

        try {
          const drmTodayObj = JSON.parse(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, licenseObj.license));
          if (drmTodayObj && drmTodayObj.status && drmTodayObj.license) {
            if (drmTodayObj.status === 'OK') {
              const str = window.atob(drmTodayObj.license);
              const bufView = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(str.length));
              for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
                bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
              license.license = bufView;
            } else {
              throw 'DRMtoday license not okay';
          } else {
            throw 'no valid DRMtoday license';
        } catch (e) {
          throw 'no valid DRMtoday license';
        return license;
    playready: {
      headers: {
        'x-dt-custom-data': 'BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA'
    fairplay: {
      headers: { 'x-dt-custom-data': 'BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA' },
      prepareMessage : event => `spc=${encodeURIComponent(event.messageBase64Encoded)}`,
      prepareContentId: contentId => {
        const pattern='skd://drmtoday';
        const idx = contentId.indexOf(pattern);
        let parameters = '';
        if (idx > -1) {
          parameters = contentId.substring(idx + pattern.length);
          parameters = parameters.replace(/assetid/gi, 'assetId');
          parameters = parameters.replace(/variantid/gi, 'variantId');
        return parameters
      useUint16InitData: true,

Please replace the following placeholders in the code:

  • DASH_MANIFEST_URL: The URL to the DASH manifest (MPD) file.
  • HLS_MANIFEST_URL: The URL to the HLS Multivariant Playlist (M3U8) file.
  • WIDEVINE_LICENSE_SERVER_URL: The URL to DRMtoday's Widevine license server.
  • PLAYREADY_LICENSE_SERVER_URL: The URL to DRMtoday's Playready license server.
  • FAIRPLAY_LICENSE_SERVER_URL: The URL to DRMtoday's Fairplay license server.
  • FAIRPLAY_CERTIFICATE_SERVER_URL: The URL to retrieve the Fairplay certificate.
  • BASE64_ENCODED_CUSTOMDATA: The base64 encoded custom data that DRMtoday expects in license requests.