Supported Platforms & Devices


Please see our DRM Support overview for more details about the supported solutions.

Web SDK - Desktop Browser Support

BrowserSupportedSupported Stream Formats
ChromeLast three major versionsDASH/HLS/SMOOTH
FirefoxLast three major versionsDASH/HLS/SMOOTH
OperaLast three major versionsDASH/HLS/SMOOTH
EdgeLast three major versions
(Chromium based)
SafariLast three major versionsHLS/DASH1
on Android
Android 8+
Android 4.4 - 7.x 2

Chromium (on ChromeOS): Not yet evaluated
Internet Explorer is not supported.

1 HLS is officially supported on Safari using native playback capabilities

2 Not included in Advanced Test Automation

All features of the Bitmovin HTML5 Player for Web are available on these browsers. We utilize the browser internal video and audio decoding capabilities (using the MSE and EME interface). Therefore we support the codecs (video and audio) that the individual browsers support. Codec support varies across browsers, but H.264/AVC video and AAC audio tend to be supported by all major vendors.

Flash support was removed with player version 8.55.

Web SDK - Mobile Devices

Mobile BrowserSupportedSupported Stream Formats
on Android
Android 8+
Android 4.4 - 7.x 1
EdgeAndroid 8+ 1DASH/HLS/SMOOTH
Safari 10+iOS 15+
iOS 11+ 1

1 Not included in Advanced Test Automation
2 DASH is supported starting from player version 8.169.0 and iOS 17.1

Native SDK - Mobile Devices

Mobile PlatformSupportedSupported Stream Formats
AndroidAndroid 5+DASH/HLS/SMOOTH
iOS / iPadOSiOS / iPadOS 14+HLS
visionOSvisionOS 1+HLS

Android-based OS: Bitmovin Android SDK extends to other Android-based operating systems, like HarmonyOS. For more information, please get in touch

Web SDK - Smart TVs

Smart TVSupportedSupported Stream Formats
SamsungTizen 2.4+ (2016)DASH/HLS/SMOOTH
LGwebOS 3.0+ (2016)DASH/HLS/SMOOTH
Play Streamed Content
Supported 1HLS
PanasonicSupported 1DASH/HLS/SMOOTH
Multiple BrandsTiVo OS 1DASH/HLS

1 Not included in Advanced Test Automation

Hisense: Due to significant device fragmentation within the Hisense platform, we do not have access to all devices for testing purposes and thus cannot guarantee there won't be edge cases for this platform. However, some devices (specifically Android TV- and Roku-based devices) may have higher levels of compatibility than others.

AirPlay: Device list here:

HBBTV / Panasonic: Based on initial investigations

TiVo OS: Support for Bitmovin’s Web Player on TiVo OS is tested by Xperi. Please contact Xperi for more information about compatible features & versions.

Streaming Devices

Streaming DeviceSupportedSupported Stream Formats
Android TV /
Google TV
up to 111
Streamed Content
iOS / iPadOS 14+ 2HLS
Apple TVtvOS 14+1HLS
ChromecastGeneration 1+DASH/HLS/SMOOTH

1 Not included in Advanced Test Automation

2 AirPlay is supported on Apple TV devices. Third-party AirPlay-compatible devices are not supported.

Set Top Boxes

Set Top BoxSupportedSupported Stream Formats
RDK devicesSupportedDASH/HLS
Sky QSupported1TBC
Comcast X1SupportedTBC
Android AOSPSupported1TBC

1 Not included in Advanced Test Automation

Android AOSP: Device-specific issues will be documented when encountered. List of devices:

Web SDK - Consoles

ConsoleSupportedSupported Stream Formats
XboxOne, Series S, Series XDASH/HLS/SMOOTH
PlayStation4, 5DASH/HLS/SMOOTH

1 Not included in Advanced Test Automation

React Native

This library requires at least the minimum React Native & React Versions specified under the peerDependencies section here to work properly.

The currently supported platforms are:

iOSiOS 14.0+
tvOStvOS 14.0+
AndroidAndroid 5+
Android TVAndroid 7+
Fire TVFire OS 5+

Please note that browsers and other browser-like environments such as webOS and Tizen are not supported.
The above mentioned platforms are not included in the Advanced Test Automation.


The currently supported platforms are:

iOSiOS 14.0+
AndroidAndroid 5+
WebAs supported by Flutter and Bitmovin Player Web SDK

Please note that TVs, browsers and other browser-like environments such as webOS and Tizen are not currently supported.
The above mentioned platforms are not included in the Advanced Test Automation.

Advanced Test Automation

Bitmovin's Test Automation is a comprehensive in-house system built for running 115,000+ streaming tests every day for the Bitmovin Player across an extensive range of physical devices. This system which has been built over many years, now including over 100 devices, provides a market-leading quality of service. It allows Bitmovin to release Player SDK updates every week while providing our customers with the security of stable software across their entire device range. Devices and platforms included in our test automation system have been fully investigated and integrated into our Player SDKs, meaning we ensure all streams and features continue to work with each release and SDK bugs relating to the platform will be fixed.

The Bitmovin Player supports the most devices on the market and while we have access to the supported devices and platforms in our offices, it's important to note that not every device can be included in our test automation. This is commonly due to two factors: device fragmentation and/or difficult developer tools and environments. Device Fragmentation means that devices from the same range or year can have many differences (different hardware, firmware, browser quirks etc) making it hard to ensure we can cover all edge cases for that platform. Hisense and Vizio Smart TVs are examples of platforms with high fragmentation.

Stream Lab

Streaming is hard, particularly supporting many different devices for a consistent experience for viewers. To help our customers, Bitmovin have developed Stream Lab; a tool allowing customers to submit their streams for testing on real devices from the Bitmovin Test Automation system. Customers can run ad-hoc or recurring weekly tests for their streams on physical devices to gain confidence that any upstream changes haven't affected playback on any key devices.

For more information, see our Stream Lab Docs

Try StreamLab for yourself in the Bitmovin Dashboard

Support Levels


  • The player will run for non-complex workflows and use cases (ie. by ensuring proper browser API usage) on the platform
  • Investigations have been performed into the platform (either by Bitmovin Engineering or Solutions Customer Experience teams), and the platform may be fully integrated into the SDK
  • We have access to the platform, be able to run our player on the platform and debug issues
  • ‘Known issues’ are documented
  • We are able to assist on issues, and SDK Bugs may be investigated and/or fixed, if the customer/requester can reliably demonstrate and replicate the behaviour using devices supported by support and engineering, or if there is a SoW in place for the customer and specific platform
    Note: An SoW cannot be committed to without a test device being available to Engineering
  • Any necessary integration support is subject to SoW being in place for the customer and specific platform
    Note: Integration support cannot be committed to without a test device being available to Engineering

Additionally, if platforms are included in our Advanced Test Automation:

  • Full investigation into and SDK integration (incl. analytics) of device / platform / version (platform) has been performed
  • Platform is included in nightly test runs, test automation and continuous testing
  • We will ensure that all streams and features work on the platform
  • SDK Bugs relating to the platform will be fixed
  • Integration support for platform is subject to an SoW being in place with the customer

Any devices not listed in this document are considered as such:

  • Platform is unmaintained in the current version of the Player SDK
  • Platform is not included in nightly test runs / test automation
  • Player may work, potentially with known issues or with an older Player version only, but no level of Player functionality or stability can be guaranteed (known issues are documented where identified)
  • Platform falls outside of support lifecycle standards or has not been investigated
  • Bitmovin may have limited or no access to the platform for TA and / or debugging purposes
  • SDK Bugs will not be investigated and / or fixed

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