Analytics API Fields

All the data you can find in the Analytics Dashboard can be queried using the Bitmovin Analytics API as well. See this list for a complete overview of available player and advertising fields.


All the data you can find in the Analytics Dashboard can be queried using the Bitmovin Analytics API as well. See this list for a complete overview of available player and advertising fields.

Player API Fields

These fields are being collected when monitoring a normal video or a video with server side ad insertion.

DimensionData TypeDescriptionUnit
activePlayerStartuptimemetricImpressions that loaded the player in the foreground
adint0 = no ad, 1 = client side ad, 2 = server side ad
adIdstringThe Id of the ssai ad
adIndexintThe index of the ssai ad within a session
adSystemstringThe System of the ssai ad
adPositionstringThe Position of the ssai ad. Pre, mid or post roll.
analyticsVersionstringVersion of the collector
audioBitrateintCurrent audio bitratebits per second
audioCodecstringAudio codec of currently playing stream
audioLanguagestringAudio track language of the stream
autoplaybooleanIs autoplay activated?
browserstringThe browser of the client
browserIsBotbooleanIs a bot playing the video?
browserVersionMajorstringMajor version of the used browser
browserVersionMinorstringMinor version of the used browser
bufferedintDuration that the player bufferedmilliseconds
cdnProviderstringCDN Provider used to deliver the video
citystringApproximate cIty of the viewer
countrystringApproximate country of the viewer
customData1-5stringOptional free-form data
customUserIdstringUser-ID in the customer system
dayintDate formatUNIX Timestamp in ms
deviceClassstringType of device (desktop, phone, tablet)
deviceTypestringMobile device type used (iPhone/Samsung etc..)
domainstringDomain the player was loaded on
downloadSpeedintSummary of observed download speed measurementsbits/s
drmLoadTimeintTime to aquire the DRM licensemilliseconds
drmTypestringType of DRM used
droppedFramesintDropped Frames during playback
durationintDuration of the samplemilliseconds
errorCodestringError code according to player documentation
errorMessagestringError message provided by player
errorRateintTotal number of errors [over] total page loadspercentage
errorDatastringAdditional errorData from stack trace
experimentNamestringA/B test experiment name
hourintDate formatUNIX Timestamp
impressionIdstringRandom UUID that is used to identify a play sessionUUID
ipAddressstringIP address of the user (anonymized by stripping out the last byte in all cases)
isCastingbooleanChromecast active?
isLivebooleanIs the stream a live or vod?
isMutedbooleanIs the player currently muted?
ispstringInternet service provider
keystringAnalytics license key
languagestringLanguage set in the browser
licenseKeystringAnalytics license key
m3u8UrlstringURL of the HLS source
minuteintDate formatUNIX Timestamp
monthintDate formatUNIX Timestamp
mpdUrlstringURL of the DASH source
operatingsystemstringOS name (Windows, iOS, Android..)
operatingsystemVersionMajorstringMajor version of the operating system
pageLoadTimeintHow long did the page take to load?milliseconds
pageLoadTypebooleanWas the player loaded in the foreground?
pathstringHTTP path e.g. .../about
pausedintMilliseconds in paused statemilliseconds
platformstringPlatform of the collector (web, ios, android)
playedintMilliseconds in played statemilliseconds
playerstringPlayer name
playerKeystringPlayer license key
playerStartupTimeintDuration it took to start up the playermilliseconds
playerTechstringHTML or native playback
playerVersionstringPlayer version
progUrlstringURL of the progressive MP4 source
regionstringApproximate region or state of the viewer
scaleFactorfloatWas the playback window greater or smaller than the video size?ratio
screenHeightintScreen as reported by the browserpixels
screenWidthintScreen as reported by the browserpixels
seekedintDuration it took the player to seekmilliseconds
segmentNamestringName of the downloaded segment
segmentDownloadCountintTotal number of downloaded segments
segmentDownloadSizeintTotal download size in bytesbytes
segmentDownloadTimeintTotal time spent downloading segmentsmilliseconds
sequenceNumberintNumber of data packets sent to the backend (incrementing)
sizeintWindow Size (reserved)pixels
startupTimeintSum of Player + Video Startup Timemilliseconds
statestringInternal state of the analytics state machine
streamFormatstringHLS, DASH or Progressive MP4 Stream
subtitleEnabledstringWhether subtitles were enabled by viewer or not
subtitleLanguagestringSelected subtitle language
supportedVideoCodecsstringVideo codecs supported by platform/browser
timeintCurrent timeUNIX Timestamp in ms
userAgentstringBrowser agent
userIdstringRandom UUID that is persisted across play sessionsUUID
versionstringVersion of the player
videoBitrateintBitrate of the video rendition playedbits per second
videoCodecstringVideo codec of current stream
videoDurationintDuration of the videomilliseconds
videoIdstringID of the video, provided by customer
videoPlaybackHeightintResolution of the video rendition playedpixels
videoPlaybackWidthintResolution of the video rendition playedpixels
videostartFailedbooleanTrue if starting the video failed
videostartFailedReasonstringReason why starting the video failed
videoStartupTimeintHow long did it take to load the first frame?milliseconds
videoTimeEndintEnd time of the sample in the videomilliseconds
videoTimeStartintStart time of the sample in the videomilliseconds
videoTitlestringHuman readable title of the video, provided by customer
videoWindowHeightintSize of the video player on the sitepixels
videoWindowWidthintSize of the video player on the sitepixels

Ad Fields

These fields are related to ads and are collected during either server-side ad insertion (SSAI) or client-side ad insertion (CSAI) playback. Note that not all fields are collected for both types of ad playback.

adClickthroughURLThe url the user will be redirected to when clicking the adCSAI
adDescriptionThe description of the ad from the VAST responseCSAI
adDurationThe duration of the admillisecondsCSAI
adFallbackIndexThe position in the list of fallback tags, if the primary ad tag wasn't availableCSAI
adIdIdentifier for the ad – might be autogenerated.CSAI, SSAI
adIdPlayerThe id of the corresponding AdBreakConfig. If the AdBreak was generated out of a VMAP tag, then the ID present in the VMAP tag will be taken – if none is present in the VMAP tag it will be generatedCSAI
adImpressionsIdUnique ID for every ad impressionUUIDCSAI, SSAI
adIndexThe index of the ssai ad within a session. Can be directly mapped to the adIndex in the Player API fields.SSAI
adIsPersistentIf set, the ad tag will be processed and rescheduled automatically when a new source is loadedCSAI
adModuleThe module used to play an ad (Bitmovin Ad Module, IMA Ad Module, etc.)CSAI
adOffsetThe requested position specified in the ad break config, if it's a mid roll adCSAI
adPlaybackHeightThe height of the ad assetpixelsCSAI, SSAI
adPlaybackWidthThe width of the ad assetpixelsCSAI, SSAI
adPodPositionThe position of this ad within an ad pod. Will be 1 for standalone ads. Podding provides publishers the ability to return multiple ads from a single ad requestCSAI
adPositionPre, mid or post rollCSAI, SSAI
adPreloadOffsetSpecifies how many milliseconds the ad tag should start pre-loading before the ad break starts playing (and if possible the media files of the resulting ad response)millisecondsCSAI
adReplaceContentDurationSpecifies for how long the ad break(s) should replace the main video contentmillisecondsCSAI
adScheduleTimeThe time for which the AdBreak is scheduled formillisecondsCSAI
adSkippableAfterTime after which the ad is skippable – if the ad is not skippable, this property is not setmillisecondsCSAI
adSkippableSpecifies whether the ad is skippable or notCSAI
adStartupTimeTime between an ad break start and an actual ad startmillisecondsCSAI
adSystemThe name of the ad system that returned the adCSAI, SSAI
adTagPathDefines the path part of the ad manifest urlCSAI
adTagServerDefines the server part of the ad manifest urlCSAI
adTagTypeSpecifies whether the ad tag is a VAST, VMAP or VPAID tagCSAI
adTagUrlDefines the url to an ad manifestCSAI
adTitleA common name for the ad, specified in InLine.AdTitle in the VAST responseCSAI
adTypeIndicates whether the ad was a client side or server side ad. 1 for client side ad, 2 for server side ad.CSAI, SSAI
adWrapperAdsCountThe number of the wrapper adCSAI
advertiserNameThe name of the advertiser as defined by the ad serving partyCSAI
analyticsVersionVersion of the Analytics collectorCSAI, SSAI
apiFrameworkIdentifies the API needed to execute an interactive media file or to communicate with the creativeCSAI
asnASN of the user based on IPCSAI, SSAI
audioBitrateCurrent audio bitratebits per secondCSAI, SSAI
audioCodecAudio codec of the videoCSAI
autoplayIs autoplay activated for the ad?CSAI
browserThe browser of the clientCSAI, SSAI
browserVersionMajorMajor version of the used BrowserCSAI, SSAI
cdnProviderCDN provider used to play out contentCSAI, SSAI
cityApproximate cIty of the userCSAI, SSAI
clickPercentagePercentage within the ad until a user clicked on itCSAI
clickPositionTime played until the ad was clickedmillisecondsCSAI
clickedDid a viewer click the link in the ad?CSAI
clientTimeTimestamp on the client deviceUNIX timestampCSAI, SSAI
closePercentagePercentage within the ad until a user closed itCSAI
closePositionTime played until an ad was closedmillisecondsCSAI
closedDid the viewer close an ad?CSAI
completedDid a viewer complete an ad?CSAI, SSAI
completedFailedBeaconUrlContains the beacon Url if the beacon request failed.SSAI
countryApproximate country of the userCSAI, SSAI
creativeAdIdReturns the ISCI (Industry Standard Commercial Identifier) code for an adCSAI
creativeIDReturns the ID of the selected creative for the adCSAI
dayDate formatUNIX timestampCSAI, SSAI
dealIdReturns the first deal ID present in the wrapper chain for the current ad, starting from the topCSAI
deviceClassType of device (desktop, phone, tablet)CSAI, SSAI
deviceTypeWhat mobile device type was used (iPhone/Samsung etc..)CSAI, SSAI
domainDomain the player was loaded onCSAI, SSAI
errorCodeError Code according to ad-SDK documentationCSAI, SSAI
errorDataAdditional errorData from stack traceCSAI
errorMessageError message provided by playerCSAI, SSAI
errorPercentageTime within the ad at which the error occuredmillisecondsCSAI
errorPositionView time until the error occuredmillisecondsCSAI
exitPositionTime played until the user exited the ad (e.g. by closing the browser window)millisecondsCSAI
experimentNameA/B test experiment nameCSAI, SSAI
hourDate formatUNIX timestampCSAI, SSAI
ipAddressIP address of the user (anonymized by stripping out the last byte in all cases)CSAI, SSAI
isLinearDetermines whether an ad is linear, i.e. playback of main content needs to be paused for the adCSAI
ispInternet service providerCSAI, SSAI
languageLanguage set in the browserCSAI, SSAI
licenseKeyAnalytics license keyCSAI, SSAI
manifestDownloadTimeThe total time it took for the ad manifest to be downloadedmillisecondsCSAI
mediaPathThe path part of the url of the media file for the adCSAI
mediaServerThe server part of the url of the media file for the adCSAI
mediaUrlThe url of the corresponding media file for the adCSAI
midpointWas the midpoint reached?CSAI, SSAI
midpointFailedBeaconUrlContains the beacon Url if the beacon request failed.SSAI
minSuggestedDurationThe minimum suggested duration that the creative should be playedmillisecondsCSAI
minuteMinute the ad impression occured inUNIX TimestampCSAI, SSAI
monthMonth the ad impression occured inUNIX TimestampCSAI, SSAI
operatingsystemOS name (Windows, iOS, Android..)CSAI, SSAI
operatingsystemVersionMajorMajor version of the Operating SystemCSAI, SSAI
pageLoadTimeHow long did the page take to load?millisecondsCSAI, SSAI
pageLoadTypeWas the player loaded in the foreground?CSAI, SSAI
pathHTTP Path eg /aboutCSAI, SSAI
percentageInViewportReports the percentage of the playtime the ad was within the current viewport of the browser and thus potentially visible to the user.CSAI
platformPlatform of the collector (web, ios, android)CSAI, SSAI
playPercentageWhat percentage of the ad was actually played?CSAI, SSAI
playerPlayer NameCSAI, SSAI
playerKeyPlayer License KeyCSAI, SSAI
playerStartupTimeHow long did it take to start up the player?millisecondsCSAI
playerTechHTML or Native PlaybackCSAI, SSAI
playerVersionPlayer VersionCSAI, SSAI
quartile1Was the first quartile of the ad reached?CSAI, SSAI
quartile1FailedBeaconUrlContains the beacon Url if the beacon request failed.SSAI
quartile3Was the third quartile of the ad reached?CSAI, SSAI
quartile3FailedBeaconUrlContains the beacon Url if the beacon request failed.SSAI
regionApproximate state of the userCSAI, SSAI
scaleFactorWas the playback window greater or smaller than the video size?CSAI, SSAI
screenHeightScreen as reported by the BrowserpixelsCSAI, SSAI
screenWidthScreen as reported by the BrowserpixelsCSAI, SSAI
sizeWindow SizepixelsCSAI, SSAI
skipPercentagePercentage played when the user skipped the adCSAI
skipPositionTime played until the ad was skippedmillisecondsCSAI
skippedSpecifies whether the ad was skippedCSAI
startedSpecifies whether the ad was startedCSAI, SSAI
streamFormatHLS or DASH or Progressive MP4 StreamCSAI, SSAI
surveyUrlReturns the URL associated with the survey for a given adCSAI
timeCurrent TimeUNIX TimestampCSAI, SSAI
timeInViewportDuration for which the ad was in the viewport of the usermillisecondsCSAI
timePlayedDuration the ad was playedmillisecondsCSAI
universalAdIdRegistryThe registry associated with cataloging the UniversalAdId of the selected creative for the adCSAI
universalAdIdValueThe UniversalAdId of the selected creative for the adCSAI
userIdRandom UUID that is persisted across play sessionsUUIDCSAI, SSAI