Release Notes (iOS)

Release notes for the v2 version of the iOS SDK can be found here.


Released: 2024-07-19


  • TweaksConfig.enforcedMinimumBufferLevelForPlayback to configure the minimum buffer level, in seconds, required for transitioning into the playing state. It can be used to avoid flickering StallStartedEvent, StallEndedEvent and improper TimeChangedEvent invocations caused by unexpected AVPlayer behaviour when stalling on an audio-only stream with an empty buffer
  • More details to the error messages if a manifest request failed


  • An issue with the IMA SDK on tvOS where certain ad tags would not emit the STARTED event resulting in a missing AdStartedEvent


Released: 2024-06-28


  • Seek events not being emitted after reaching PlaybackFinishedEvent


Released: 2024-06-21


  • Support for streaming ads with the Bitmovin Advertising Module (BAM)
  • Improved VAST MediaFile selection by ignoring unsupported MIME-Types and preferring streaming over progressive media files
  • AdSource.videoLoadTimeout to configure the timeout for loading media files of advertisements


  • Update Google IMA SDK for iOS to latest stable version (3.23.0)
  • Update Google IMA SDK for tvOS to latest stable version (4.13.0)
  • Update Google Cast iOS sender SDK to latest stable version (4.8.1)


  • Safe areas not respected for the Bitmovin Player Web UI in landscape


Released: 2024-06-07


  • Xcode 15.4 and Swift 5.10 or newer is required to integrate the SDK


Released: 2024-05-29


  • PlayerAnalyticsApi.AnalyticsSsaiApi to provide access to the manual SSAI tracking of our Analytics Collector.
  • Buffering overlay is displayed during ad loading for all ad source types (.bitmovin, .ima, .progressive).
  • VastAdData.wrapperAdSystems and VastAdData.wrapperCreativeIds to the for VAST ads handled by the Google IMA SDK.


  • Playback error of FairPlay content without setting the FairPlayConfig.prepareLicense callback.
  • Two touch interactions needed to skip an ad or open the click-through link when the Bitmovin Advertising Module is used in combination with our Bitmovin Player Web UI.
  • Performance degradation when using side-loaded subtitles.


  • PlayingEvent, in case of pre-roll ad playback, is now emitted after AdStartedEvent.
  • StallStartedEvent and StallEndedEvent are now emitted during ad loading for all ad source types (.bitmovin, .ima, .progressive).
  • The minimum BitmovinPlayerCollector version to 3.7.0.
  • Updated Bitmovin Player Web UI to 3.64.0.


Released: 2024-05-17


  • Updated Bitmovin Player Web UI to 3.62.0.
  • Bitmovin Advertising Module macro replacement no longer replaces all unknown macros with -1. Default value replacement can be managed using VastMacroConfig.valueProvider if required.


  • Bitmovin Advertising Module macro replacement not working if the macro markers are url encoded.


Released: 2024-05-08


  • SourceConfig.liveConfig namespace of type SourceLiveConfig to configure behaviour when playing live content.
    • SourceLiveConfig.targetLatency to configure the players offset from the live edge.
    • SourceLiveConfig.automaticallyPreservesLatency to configure if the current latency should be automatically preserved.
    • SourceLiveConfig.minTimeshiftBufferDepth to configure the minimum buffer depth needed to enable time shifting in a stream.
  • Source.latency namespace of type SourceLatencyApi to access latency related APIs for live-streams.
    • SourceLatencyApi.automaticallyPreservesLatency to dynamically configure if the current latency should be automatically preserved.
    • SourceLatencyApi.recommendedLatency to provide the system's recommended latency.
  • Player.latency namespace of type LatencyApi to access live stream related APIs.
    • LatencyApi.currentLatency to get the current latency in seconds.
  • BitmovinUserInterfaceConfig.enableWebViewInspecting for debugging of custom Bitmovin Player Web UIs.


  • Added DOCTYPE declaration to the HTML document used to render the Bitmovin Player Web UI to prevent quirks mode


  • PlayerConfig.liveConfig in favor of SourceConfig.liveConfig.


Released: 2024-04-26


  • Support for WebVTT coloring information (text and background colors) for side-loaded WebVTT subtitles, and WebVTT subtitles referenced in the manifest. Subtitle cues containing coloring information are provided as HTML through the Cue.html property.


  • When using the LogEntry initializer from Swift, the code and data properties can be omitted.


  • A memory leak of internal components after the Player was released.


Released: 2024-04-12


  • The poster-image is now supported when using the System UI (UserInterfaceType.system) on iOS and tvOS.
  • TweaksConfig.updatesNowPlayingInfoCenter to decide whether AVKit should update Now Playing information automatically when using System UI. You may want to disable automatic updates in case they are interfering with manual updates you are performing.
  • Minimalistic Advertising UI during ad playback when the System UI is used in combination with the Bitmovin Advertising Module.
    • It contains a skip button respecting the customization options from the LinearAdUiConfig.
    • It reacts to user interaction for controlling playback.
    • It handles the clickThroughUrl on iOS and visionOS.


  • text property of CueEnterEvent and CueExitEvent contain no HTML tags from side-loaded subtitle tracks.


  • Clipped subtitle cues in case of side-loaded subtitle track containing multi-byte unicode characters.
  • Ad not visible when the System UI is used in combination with the Bitmovin Advertising Module.


Released: 2024-04-05


  • Bitmovin Advertising Module. The initial version of BAM only supports the VAST standard.

    • AdSourceType.bitmovin to enable Bitmovin Advertising Module for an AdSource.

      // Create an `AdItem` with one `AdSource` of type `.bitmovin`
      let adItem = AdItem(
          adSources: [AdSource(tag: adTagUrl, ofType: .bitmovin)],
          // Configure the ad as a pre-roll ad
          atPosition: "pre"
      // You can either create the schedule before player creation using the advertising config
      let advertisingConfig = AdvertisingConfig(schedule: [adItem])
      // Add the config to your PlayerConfig
      playerConfig.advertisingConfig = advertisingConfig
      // Or use the PlayerAPI to scheduled the ad
      player.scheduleAd(adItem: adItem)
    • LinearAdUiConfig to customise the Bitmovin Advertising UI when AdSourceType.bitmovin is configured.

      let linearAdUiConfig = LinearAdUiConfig()
      linearAdUiConfig.message = "This ad will end in {remainingTime}"
      linearAdUiConfig.untilSkippableMessage = "This ad is skippable in {remainingTime}"
      linearAdUiConfig.skippableMessage = "You can skip this ad now."
      // Create an `AdItem` with one `AdSource` of type `.bitmovin`
      let adItem = AdItem(
          adSources: [AdSource(tag: adTagUrl, ofType: .bitmovin)],
          // Configure the ad as a pre-roll ad
          atPosition: "pre",
          // Provide a LinearAdUiConfig instance to have built-in support for our default ad UI
          linearAdUiConfig: linearAdUiConfig
    • AdvertisingConfig.bitmovin namespace to configure Bitmovin Advertising Module features.

    • BitmovinAdvertisingConfig.macro to configure macro replacement when using Bitmovin Advertising Module. See VastMacroConfig for more details.

    • VastMacro, VastMacroContext and VastMacroScope to facilitate the macro value providing process.

    • Ad.clickThroughUrlOpened callback to track the opening of the clickThroughUrl in case a custom UI is used.

  • AdvertisingConfig.shouldLoadAdItem(adItem:) callback that can be used to decide whether an AdItem should start loading. It is called once for each AdItem when its loading time is reached.


  • Player UI partially or completely covered by the video after exiting Picture in Picture mode

Known issues

  • Ad playback while in Picture in Picture mode will result in the ad being played in the main view instead of the Picture in Picture view
  • Using System UI via StyleConfig.userInterfaceType with value .system does not render advertisements when Bitmovin Advertising Module is used
  • Bitmovin Advertisement UI needs two taps during ad playback for clickthrough and skip ad interactions
  • URL encoded macros in VAST URLs will not be replaced when using the Bitmovin Advertising Module


Released: 2024-03-29


  • NetworkConfig.retryHttpRequest, NetworkConfig.preprocessHttpRequestDelegate and NetworkConfig.preprocessHttpResponse are now called when requesting thumbnail tracks and side-loaded subtitle tracks


  • LinearAd.skippableAfter returning 0 instead of .nan for non-skippable advertisements
  • AdFinishedEvent emitted when the ad gets skipped by starting a cast session during ad playback
  • Crash when requesting a thumbnail track or side-loaded subtitle track with a non-200 response status code


Released: 2024-03-22


  • Potentially missing SeekedEvent when seeking rapidly after each other across sources


Released: 2024-03-14


  • Updated documentation on BitmovinCastManagerOptions.enableBackgroundSessions behavior


  • Invalid current time displayed on the Player UI when entering and leaving background mode during casting


Released: 2024-03-08


  • SourceConfig.metadata and Source.metadata now accepts AVMetadataItem values on iOS and visionOS as well
  • Improved documentation on Player.maxSelectableBitrate scope


Released: 2024-03-04


  • Duplicated ScalingModeChangedEvent delivered when using System UI
  • Subtitle track selection not working while casting when deselecting and reselecting the same track


Released: 2024-02-19


  • Potential crash when an IMA Ad results in an error


Released: 2024-02-16


  • AdStartedEvent.skipOffset is now correctly populated
  • Potential crash when calling Player.load


Released: 2024-02-09


  • ImaAdsManager.clicked() to perform a clickthrough on the advertisement in case the IMA UI was disabled
  • New top level factory functions for Player:
    • PlayerFactory.createPlayer(playerConfig:, analytics:) to create a Player instance
    • AnalyticsPlayerConfig to configure analytics data collection on Player instances
    • PlayerCoreFactory.createPlayer(playerConfig:) to create a Player instance in case of standalone Player Core usage
  • New top level factory functions for Source:
    • SourceFactory.createSource(sourceConfig:, sourceMetadata:) to create a Source instance


  • The minimum BitmovinPlayerCollector version to 3.4.0


  • PlayerFactory.create(playerConfig:, analyticsConfig:, defaultMetadata:) in favor of PlayerFactory.createPlayer(playerConfig:analytics:)
  • PlayerFactory.create(playerConfig:) in favor of PlayerFactory.createPlayer(playerConfig:). In case of standalone Player Core usage, update to PlayerCoreFactory.createPlayer(playerConfig:)
  • SourceFactory.create(sourceConfig:, sourceMetadata:) in favor of SourceFactory.createSource(sourceConfig:, sourceMetadata:)


Released: 2024-01-26


  • Support for side-loaded SRT (SubRip) subtitles


Released: 2024-01-19


  • Privacy manifests for BitmovinPlayer and BitmovinPlayerCore frameworks


  • Updated the documentation of Player.skipAd to indicate changed IMA SDK behavior


Released: 2024-01-11


  • visionOS support is now built with Xcode 15.2


Released: 2023-12-21


  • NetworkConfig.preprocessHttpResponse to allow modifying the response before it is passed to the player


  • NetworkConfig.retryHttpRequest is now called for FairPlay related requests such as license and certificate requests in case of a failure
  • Update Google IMA SDK for iOS to latest stable version (3.19.1)
  • Update Google IMA SDK for tvOS to latest stable version (4.9.2)


Released: 2023-12-15


  • Xcode 14.2 or newer is required to integrate the SDK. This change was required to fix a Swift Concurrency backport issue on iOS 14.
  • CFBundleShortVersionString no longer contains a pre-released version suffix e.g. -rc.1. This change was made as it's no longer possible to override this value for Frameworks when using Xcode 15 and Apple rejects non-numeric values.


  • Pre-release SDK versions e.g. -rc.1 could not be used for uploading applications to App Store Connect
  • Ads scheduled via player.scheduleAd for the same playback position played back in reverse order


Released: 2023-12-01


  • LicenseValidatedEvent which is emitted when a licensing call succeeded. It contains additional LicenseData as returned by the license server


Released: 2023-11-17


  • Support for visionOS for the BitmovinPlayer package


  • The System UI is now the default UI on visionOS
  • The minimum BitmovinPlayerCollector version was increased to 3.3.0 when using Swift 5.9


Released: 2023-11-13


  • Support for visionOS on Apple Vision Pro
    • The following features are currently unsupported: Google IMA SDK integration, Google Cast SDK integration and AirPlay support
    • Using CocoaPods in a visionOS project is currently not possible due to a known CocoaPods issue


  • Crash on iOS Simulators if the IMA SDK was not present
  • Player gets frozen when loading a new source during ad playback


  • Improved the accuracy of MetadataEvents for ID3 metadata tags
  • MetadataParsedEvents for ID3 metadata tags will be emitted once the information is downloaded instead of when the metadata is due
  • Updated Bitmovin Player Web UI to 3.52.1


Released: 2023-10-23


  • ImaAdvertisingConfig.preferredUiType of type ImaUiType to control which UI should be used for ad playback. This is only available on iOS. Possible values are:
    • .disabled: Disables all UI elements during ad playback if the played ad allows hiding the UI
    • .ima: Shows default IMA UI elements during ad playback. Further customization may be done via ImaAdvertisingConfig.adAttributionUiMode


Released: 2023-10-09



Released: 2023-10-02


  • Allow adding sources, using player.playlist.add(source:), after playback finished. If the Source was added at the end, it is required to manually transition to the new Source afterwards.
        .receive(on: RunLoop.main)
        .sink { _ in
            player.playlist.add(source: sourceToAdd)
   sourceToAdd, time: 0)
   // If desired to start playback automatically
        .store(in: &cancelables)


Released: 2023-09-11


  • Potential crash in ConsoleLogger in case there are unexpected String formatting specifiers in the log message


Released: 2023-09-04


  • Unexpected caching of the FairplayConfig if it was updated through the SourceConfig on subsequent calls to OfflineManager.getOfflineContentManager(for:)


Released: 2023-08-28


  • AdSource.vastLoadTimeout which can be used to change the timeout for VAST ad manifest downloads


  • Update Google Cast SDK to latest stable version (4.8.0)


Released: 2023-08-24


  • Inconsistent version number for the BitmovinPlayerAnalytics framework


Released: 2023-08-16


  • TweaksConfig.discardAdsWhileCasting to control behavior when casting with advertisements scheduled


  • Settings Panel not closing on first touch on the close button
  • PlaybackFinishedEvent emitted unnecessarily while casting. CastPlaybackFinishedEvent was already emitted for this.


  • Updated Bitmovin Player Web UI to v3.50.0

Known Issues

  • Due to an inconsistency in the MARKETING_VERSION field, it's not possible to submit an App to Apple's Review process with this version. This is fixed in version 3.43.1.


Released: 2023-08-01


  • Bitmovin Analytics support. Initially, version 3.0.0 of BitmovinAnalytics collector library is used, but it can be updated independently from the Player to newer versions. If you are currently using the standalone BitmovinAnalytics framework you can remove it and use the built-in dependency and APIs instead. See our migration guide for details.
  • The following APIs are available:
    • PlayerFactory.create(analyticsConfig:) to allow enabling and configuring Analytics
    • SourceFactory.create(from:sourceMetadata:) to allow configuring Analytics metadata
    • namespace to control Analytics related features. See PlayerAnalyticsApi for available APIs.
    • namespace to control Analytics related features. See SourceAnalyticsApi for available APIs.
    • PlayerAnalyticsApiAccessor to allow access to the PlayerAnalyticsApi from Obj-C
    • SourceAnalyticsApiAccessor to allow access to the SourceAnalyticsApi from Obj-C


  • Duplicated onFullscreenEnabled events when attaching new FullscreenHandler instance to PlayerView
  • Missing onFullscreenEnter/onFullscreenExit events when attaching new FullscreenHandler instance to PlayerView with different fullscreen state

Known Issues

  • Due to an inconsistency in the MARKETING_VERSION field, it's not possible to submit an App to Apple's Review process with this version. This is fixed in version 3.43.1.


Released: 2023-07-24


  • DownloadConfig.minimumBitrate not respected in case it contains a floating point value


Released: 2023-07-17


  • Playback pauses on an AirPlay receiver after putting app back in foreground on iOS 16 and above


Released: 2023-07-11


  • Advertisements playing on sender when casting to a Chromecast device
  • PlaybackFinishedEvent emitted unnecessarily while casting. CastPlaybackFinishedEvent was already emitted for this.


Released: 2023-06-26


  • TimelineMarker API to represent a timeline marker that can be visualised in the player UI
    • InterstitialMarker to mark time range of an interstitial for asset when presented in tvOS system UI
    • SourceConfig.markers to add a list of TimelineMarkers of type InterstitialMarker
    • Source.markers to add a list of TimelineMarkers of type InterstitialMarker
    • TimelineMarkerEnterEvent and TimelineMarkerExitEvent
    • SystemUserInterfaceConfig.timeToSeekAfterUserSeeked which is called when the user seeks or timeshifts when using tvOS system UI. It can be used to override the target time of the seek or timeshift operation.


Released: 2023-06-12


  • BitmovinPlayerCore framework to lay the groundwork for modularization. See Changed section for more details.
  • A modern way to subscribe to Player, Source and PlayerView events using combine:
    •, and namespaces for accessing event publishers
    • PlayerEventsApi.on for subscribing to PlayerEvents or SourceEvents on Player using Combine framework
    • SourceEventsApi.on for subscribing to SourceEvents on Source using Combine framework
    • PlayerViewEventsApi.on for subscribing to PlayerViewEvents on PlayerView using Combine framework
  • FairplayLicenseAcquiredEvent with PlayerListener.onFairplayLicenseAcquired and SourceListener.onFairplayLicenseAcquired listeners to get notified when a FairPlay license is successfully acquired
  • The possibility of renewing an expiring FairPlay license:
    • SourceDrmFairplayApi.renewExpiringLicense for renewing an expiring FairPlay license
    • Source.drm namespace for access DRM specific APIs on a source
    • Source.drm.fairplay namespace for access FairPlay DRM specific APIs on a source
    • SourceDrmApi.fairPlay namespace for access FairPlay DRM specific APIs on a source
  • SwiftUI support:
    • VideoPlayerView for built-in SwiftUI support
  • Allow custom Bitmovin Player Web UI to access current source's metadata


  • From 3.40.0 onwards, the BitmovinPlayer framework is a collection of multiple frameworks which defines the final Player product.
    For now, the only dependency is the BitmovinPlayerCore framework. This dependency will always have an exact version match. This means it is not possible to mix incompatible versions together.
  • For ObjC users only:
    • The import for the Player changes from <BitmovinPlayer/BitmovinPlayer.h> to <BitmovinPlayerCore/BitmovinPlayerCore.h>.


  • Bitcode support. As Apple deprecated bitcode since Xcode 14, we are now also disabling this configuration.


Released: 2023-05-30


  • Deprecated methods and properties from OfflineManager:
    • offlineState(for:)
    • deleteOfflineData(for:)
    • fetchAvailableTracks(for:)
    • download(sourceConfig:)
    • download(sourceConfig:, downloadConfig:)
    • download(sourceConfig:, tracks:, downloadConfig:)
    • cancelDownload(for:)
    • suspendDownload(for:)
    • resumeDownload(for:)
    • syncOfflineDrmLicenseInformation(for:)
    • offlineDrmLicenseInformation(for:)
    • renewOfflineLicense(for:)
    • createOfflineSourceConfig(for:, restrictedToAssetCache:)
    • add(listener:, for:)
    • remove(listener:, for:)
    • isPlayableOffline(sourceConfig:)
    • usedStorage(for:)
  • Deprecated OfflineManagerListener


  • Missing types from API documentation


Released: 2023-05-15


  • FullscreenEnterEvent, FullscreenExitEvent, FullscreenEnabledEvent, FullscreenDisabledEvent, ControlsShowEvent, ControlsHideEvent, PictureInPictureEnterEvent, PictureInPictureEnteredEvent, PictureInPictureExitEvent, PictureInPictureExitedEvent and ScalingModeChangedEvent are now conforming to PlayerViewEvent instead of PlayerEvent


  • SourceConfig.options.startOffset not being respected when using Chromecast


Released: 2023-04-24


  • Stalling when a progressive source is loaded into a Player instance that has a source loaded already with autoplay enabled


Released: 2023-04-11


  • Ads are covered by main content after exiting Picture-in-Picture playback when another UI is used that is not Bitmovin Player UI


Released: 2023-04-03


  • Logger and related components LogLevel, LogSender and LogEntry for the logging facility
  • LoggingConfig to provide logging related configuration options
  • DebugConfig.logging to configure logging in the SDK
  • BitmovinUserInterfaceConfig.forceSubtitlesIntoViewContainer to provide access to the UIConfig.forceSubtitlesIntoViewContainer of our Bitmovin Player Web UI
  • TweaksConfig.delayInitialSubtitleSelection which can be enabled to prevent race conditions with AVPlayer's internal subtitle selection logic. When this race condition occurs, it can have unexpected side effects, like playback starting at the beginning of the DVR window instead of at the live-edge for live streams with growing DVR window.


  • Increased minimum required versions to iOS 14.0 and to tvOS 14.0
  • Updated Bitmovin Player Web UI to version 3.46.0


  • Out-of-view-port caption rendering on iOS 16 by setting UIConfig.forceSubtitlesIntoViewContainer to true per default in our Bitmovin Player Web UI


  • PlayerWarningEvent, SourceWarningEvent, PlayerListener.onPlayerWarning and SourceListener.onSourceWarning. Warnings are now communicated through logs with level .warning.


Released: 2023-03-20


  • Updated Bitmovin Player Web UI to version 3.45.0


  • Potential crashes when Player gets deallocated or destroyed


Released: 2023-03-06


  • Buffer level indicator exceeding right edge of seek bar when seeking close to the end in Bitmovin Web UI
  • A memory leak of our internal retry handler
  • Crash during casting when time shifting before a source was loaded


Released: 2023-02-12


  • Xcode 14.1 or newer is required to integrate the SDK


  • SourceUnloadEvent and SourceUnloadedEvent are now emitted correctly after (and not before) the PlayerErrorEvent when a player error occurs
  • DestroyEvent is now emitted correctly after (and not before) the PlayerErrorEvent when a licensing error occurs


Released: 2023-01-30


  • Removed main-thread assertion leading to runtime crashes when accessing video-quality related API from a background thread


  • Player.timeShift returning 0 after time-shifting when the System UI is used.
  • TimeShiftEvent.timeShift returning 0 when the System UI is used for time-shifting.
  • Missing PausedEvent during group playback when pausing right after seeking


Released: 2023-01-19


  • PlayerView.pictureInPicture API namespace to group picture in picture related APIs together going forward
  • PictureInPictureApi.showSkipControls to dynamically specify if skip-backward and skip-forward buttons are visible when Picture in Picture is active on iOS
  • PictureInPictureConfig.restoreUserInterfaceHandler to provide the possibility to restore the user interface before Picture in Picture stops


Released: 2023-01-17


  • BitmovinCastManagerOptions.deviceDiscoveryMode to specify when cast devices discovery should start


  • Update Google IMA SDK for iOS to latest stable version (3.18.4)
  • Update Google IMA SDK for tvOS to latest stable version (4.8.2)


  • Potential crash when using TweaksConfig.isCustomHlsLoadingEnabled with value true
  • Missing PausedEvent when a participant is doing stall recovery during group playback and the group pauses while the stalling participant is suspended
  • Potential memory leak when using the Bitmovin Player UI


Released: 2022-12-20


  • PlayerViewConfig to configure PlayerView behavior
  • PictureInPictureConfig to group configurations for Picture in Picture playback
    • showSkipControls to specify if skip-backward and skip-forward buttons are visible when Picture in Picture is active on iOS
    • shouldEnterOnBackground to specify if Picture in Picture playback should start automatically when the App enters background
  • PlayerView(player:,frame:,playerViewConfig:) initializer to the PlayerView to allow setting the new PlayerViewConfig
  • .dSYM and .bcsymbolmap files to XCFramework product in order to support crash report symbolication


  • PlaybackConfig.isPictureInPictureEnabled in favor of PictureInPictureConfig.isEnabled


  • Deprecated RenderFirstFrameEvent event data object and onRenderFirstFrame event listener from PlayerListener


Released: 2022-12-06


  • Player.sharePlay namespace to control SharePlay related features. SharePlay allows synchronized group playback between participants that are on a FaceTime call together. A SharePlay sample application can be found in our sample repository. The Player.sharePlay namespace offers the following APIs:
    • coordinate(with groupSession:) lets the player join the groupSession to allow group playback
    • isInGroupSession describes whether the player is currently participating in group playback
    • beginSuspension(for suspensionReason:) starts a suspension. The player is not participating in group playback while the suspension is active
    • endSuspension(_ suspension:) and endSuspension(_ suspension:, proposingNewTime newTime:) ends the suspension and optionally proposes a new time that every participant should seek to
    • isSuspended describes whether the player is currently suspended and not able to participate in group playback
    • suspensionReasons describes why the player is currently not able to participate in group playback
  • NetworkConfig.retryHttpRequest callback that can be used to implement a custom retry logic for failed HLS playlist requests


  • Potential crash when hitting play on the System UI when no Source is currently loaded

Known Issues

Missing features and known limitations for the SharePlay feature:

  • Trick play (slow/fast-forward and rewind) is not supported
  • Synchronized ad playback and ad break management is not supported
  • Casting is not supported
  • Playlists are not supported
  • Scrubbing suspensions when using Bitmovin UI are not supported
  • System UI is not supported
  • AirPlay and Picture in Picture (PiP) are not fully supported. Playback changes done with the AirPlay receiver or PiP mini player are not synchronized with the group. Playback changes done on the AirPlay sender device are working as expected


Released: 2022-11-22


  • PlayerConfig from open to final to restrict subclassing


  • NSCopying conformance for Config
  • Config as super type from all configs


  • Endless stalling after seeking on iOS 16.1 when TweaksConfig.unstallingBehaviour is set to .aggressive for HLS assets
  • Bad structure of TweaksConfig.isCustomHlsLoadingEnabled documentation


Released: 2022-11-08


  • ImaSettings type to improve usability when Google IMA SDK is used
  • ImaAdsManager type to improve usability when Google IMA SDK is used
  • VideoPlaybackQualityChangedEvent which is emitted when the playback video quality changes


  • Improved documentation on to state limitations
  • AdvertisingConfig.beforeInitialization property now uses our own ImaSettings type instead of Google IMA SDK to improve usability
  • AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable property now uses our own ImaAdsManager type instead of Google IMA SDK to improve usability


  • autoPlayAdBreaks property when using IMASettings from AdvertisingConfig.beforeInitialization, as using this property has no effect on ad playback
  • playerType property when using IMASettings from AdvertisingConfig.beforeInitialization, as using this property has no effect on ad playback
  • enableDebugMode property when using IMASettings from AdvertisingConfig.beforeInitialization, as using this property has no effect on ad playback
  • delegate property when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as using this caused undefined behavior, potentially breaking playback
  • adPlaybackInfo property when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as all of this information is available via Player API during ad playback
  • volume property when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as this is available via Player.volume API during ad playback
  • delegate property when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as using this caused undefined behavior
  • initialize(with:) when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as this had no effect
  • start() method when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as ads are starting automatically when scheduled if playing, or can be started using via
  • pause() method when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as this is available via Player.pause() API during ad playback
  • resume() method when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as this is available via API during ad playback
  • skip() method when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as this is available via Player.skipAd() API during ad playback
  • clicked() when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as this API had no effect when used
  • destroy() when using IMAAdsManager from AdvertisingConfig.onAdsManagerAvailable, as using this caused undefined behavior, potentially breaking playback


  • Seek/TimeShift and Seeked/TimeShifted event emitting when multiple seek or timeShift operations are done after each other
  • Missing onVideoDownloadQualityChanged listener method in SourceListener


Released: 2022-09-27


  • player.isOutputObscured property that returns whether visual output is obscured due to insufficient external protection for the content.
  • OutputObscuredEvent and OutputUnobscuredEvent which are emitted when player.isOutputObscured changes its value


  • TweaksConfig.disableSubtitleTracksWhileSeeking without replacement


Released: 2022-09-13


  • SystemUiApi.customInfoViewControllers which allows adding custom info view controllers that are presented as content tabs on tvOS 15 and above
  • Event emitting for Seek/TimeShift and Seeked/TimeShifted events during casting


  • Playback on cast receiver not continuing when destroying the local player
  • Outdated and incomplete documentation for NetworkConfig
  • Performance issues when running on iOS or tvOS simulator
  • Horizontal positioning for cues in WebVTT subtitle tracks on iOS and tvOS 16


Released: 2022-08-30


  • Possibility to remove faulty Sources from a SourceErrorEvent. See onSourceError for details.


Released: 2022-08-16


  • Change TimeMode to a @frozen enum
  • SourceConfig.metadata in Swift now uses [String: Any] type


  • Deprecated APIs from SourceConfig:
    • HlsSource
    • DashSource
    • ProgressiveSource
    • SourceConfig initializers:
      • init(adaptiveSource:)
      • init(HlsSource)
      • initWithDASHSource:
      • initWithProgressiveSource:
    • SourceConfig properties and methods:
      • urlForType:
      • hasSourceOfType:
      • addSource:error:
      • addAdaptiveSource:error:
      • addProgressiveSource:error:
  • AdaptiveSource, DASHSource, HLSSource, ProgressiveSource, MediaSource classes


  • CueExitEvents firing continuously when external subtitles are added to SourceConfig
  • Incorrect playback position when using an UNIX timestamp for time-shifting using player.timeShift


Released: 2022-08-02


  • SystemUiApi.infoViewActions which allows dynamically changing info view actions on tvOS 15 and above


Released: 2022-07-19


  • Google IMA SDK overlay not respecting safe area layout of the PlayerView
  • Compilation error when BitmovinPlayer is used within an Objective-C++ (.mm) file
  • Broken PlayerView subclassing for a custom view implementation


Released: 2022-07-05


  • PlayerFactory.sdkVersion to retrieve the current version of the BitmovinPlayer SDK
  • SystemUserInterfaceConfig.transportBarCustomMenuItems to configure custom transport bar items on tvOS 15 and above
  • PlayerView.systemUi API namespace of type SystemUiApi for interactions regarding the system UI
  • SystemUiApi.transportBarCustomMenuItems which allows dynamically changing custom transport bar items on tvOS 15 and above
  • AdvertisingConfig.ima property and ImaAdvertisingConfig type to customize Google IMA SDK
  • ImaAdvertisingConfig.adAttributionUiMode to customize Ad attribution appearance when using Google IMA SDK


  • Setting PlayerView.scalingMode having no effect when Subtitle UI is used


Released: 2022-06-21


  • Picture In Picture support on tvOS 14 and above
  • AdBreakStartedEvent.adBreak.totalNumberOfAds and AdBreakFinishedEvent.adBreak.totalNumberOfAds properties to provide the number of ads in an ad break


  • Incorrect handling when the application enters background on tvOS, resulting in restarted streams when the application enters foreground again
  • UserInterfaceType.subtitle not properly respected on tvOS resulting in displaying the system UI
  • AdStartedEvent.indexInQueue always returned 0 instead of the proper value


Released: 2022-06-07


  • Ads support on tvOS
    • Google IMA tvOS SDK 4.6.1 and higher
    • Progressive ads
  • player.playlist.add(source:at:) to dynamically add Sources into the playlist
  • player.playlist.add(source:) to dynamically add Sources at the end of the playlist
  • SourceRemovedEvent to notify about a Sources removed from the playlist
  • player.playlist.remove(sourceAt:) to dynamically remove Sources from the playlist
  • SourceAddedEvent to notify about new Sources added into the playlist
  • SourceRemovedEvent to notify about Sources removed from the playlist


  • No replay overlay visible on the sender when playback finished during casting
  • Inconsistent player state and event emitting during loading a new Source while casting
  • UI seekbar flickering when loading a live-stream while casting


Released: 2022-05-24


  • Support for PreprocessHttpRequestDelegate of the NetworkConfig for HLS Playlist requests


  • Incorrect onCastTimeUpdated event fired after pausing the player while casting
  • During casting, after pausing playback and seeing the expected onCastPaused event, an incorrect event sequence of onCastPlaying, onCastTimeUpdated and onCastPaused is seen


Released: 2022-05-10


  • cea to SubtitleFormat to represent closed captions


  • Type of position from String? to CuePosition? in CueEvent, CueEnterEvent, CueExitEvent and CueParsedEvent


  • Positioning information not available on CueEnterEvent and CueExitEvent for closed caption tracks
  • hideFirstFrame not working when using UserInterfaceType.system


Released: 2022-04-12


  • AudioQuality as it was unused


  • Player getting stuck when new source is loaded directly from onSourceError listener
  • SourceErrorEvent emitted twice when new source is loaded directly from onSourceError listener
  • Missing AdErrorEvent event for ads with non-supported file types within VMAP manifests
  • Thumbnails not showing on the Bitmovin Player UI
  • Absolute-path relative references not resolved correctly for WebVTT ThumbnailTrack


Released: 2022-03-29


  • replayMode property to the PlaylistOptions to make playlist replay behavior configurable



  • offlineDrmLicenseInformation.isDrmLicenseExpired is always showing as expired for FPS protected content
  • Background Playback not working when uiEnabled is false


  • OfflineContentManager.offlineDrmLicenseInformation to return optional value in order to always represent the correct state
  • OfflineManager.offlineDrmLicenseInformationForSourceConfig: to return optional value in order to always represent the correct state


  • OfflineContentManager.isDrmLicenseExpired in favor of optional OfflineContentManager.offlineDrmLicenseInformation value


Released: 2022-03-15


  • Swift Package Manager support. To use our SDK with the Swift Package Manager we created this repository including all releases starting from 3.0.0
  • SubtitleRemovedEvent, SubtitleChangedEvent, SubtitleAddedEvent and CueParsedEvent to be emitted for inactive sources in a playlist


  • Incorrect SCTE tag timing when the initial variant playlist has a EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE of 0
  • CueEnter.text property containing <br> as new-line representation instead of \n
  • CueEnter.html property containing \n as new-line representation instead of <br> for external SubtitleTracks
  • CueEnter.html is empty for SubtitleTracks that are present in the manifest


  • SubtitleRemovedEvent, SubtitleChangedEvent, SubtitleAddedEvent and CueParsedEvent are now conforming to SourceEvent instead of PlayerEvent
  • CueEvent is now a protocol instead of a class conforming to PlayerEvent


Released: 2022-03-01


  • isCastEnabled property to the RemoteControlConfig to enable or disable casting functionality for a player instance
  • Support for ID and CLASS properties for EXT-X-DATERANGE metadata


  • Some internal events are emitted through the onEvent listener method


Released: 2022-02-16


  • MetadataParsedEvent to be emitted for inactive sources in a playlist when SCTE metadata is parsed for HLS content
  • MetadataParsedEvent to be emitted for inactive sources in a playlist when Id3 metadata is parsed for HLS content
  • Allow seeking and time shifting as soon as PlayerActiveEvent is seen. Before, it was required to wait until the ReadyEvent is received.
  • Support for negative values for player.playbackSpeed to allow reverse playback
  • Player.canPlayAtPlaybackSpeed API to check if given playbackSpeed value is supported by the currently loaded source


  • Missing TimeShiftEvent and TimeShiftedEvent on tvOS when live stream contains EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME
  • Playback via AirPlay for HLS streams hosted on Akamai using Token Authentication
  • Unnecessary caching of HLS playlist requests

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source


Released: 2022-02-01


  • Automatic retries for HLS playlist requests when the previous request failed with an non-2xx HTTP status code


  • Time shifting not always working properly when being connected to AirPlay on iOS versions lower than iOS 14.7
  • Potential runtime crash when using Google IMA SDK

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source


Released: 2022-01-18


  • HttpRequestType enum when used from Swift
  • DownloadFinishedEvent.requestType to make use of the new HttpRequestType enum


  • Updated Google Cast SDK to latest stable version (4.7.0)


  • Underscored methods and properties from documentation


  • Partially downloaded offline data getting discarded when upgrading from version 2.64.2 or below
  • Resuming offline downloads after upgrading from version 2.64.2 or below
  • Crash during seeking while connecting to Google Cast device
  • PlayEvent is fired too late when PlaybackConfiguration.isAutoplayEnabled is set to true
  • Documentation generation for various types
  • Missing documentation for tvOS only properties


  • HttpRequestTypes constants when used from Swift in favour of the new HttpRequestType enum
  • DownloadFinishedEvent.downloadType in favour of the new properly typed requestType property

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source


Released: 2021-12-21


  • Updated Google IMA SDK to latest stable version (3.14.5)


  • Missing PlayingEvent when SourceOptions.startOffset is configured and PlaybackConfiguration.isAutoplayEnabled is set to true
  • Deprecation message pointing to non-existing API for OfflineManager.isPlayableOffline
  • Content being paused on Google Cast receiver when sender device gets locked
  • Content being reloaded unnecessarily on Google Cast receiver when sender application is brought back to foreground

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source
  • Already partially downloaded data for offline playback will be lost and has to be re-downloaded after updating from below 2.64.2 to this version


Released: 2021-12-07


  • OfflineContentManager to manage all offline content and offline DRM related tasks for a single SourceConfig
  • OfflineContentManagerListener to receive updates regarding offline content and offline DRM related tasks
  • OfflineManager.offlineContentManager(for:) to retrieve a OfflineContentManager instance for a certain SourceConfig
  • OfflineEvent as parent type for all other events emitted by an OfflineContentManager
  • AvailableTracksFetchedEvent to get notified when the available tracks were fetched
  • OfflineContentLicenseExpiredEvent to get notified when the stored license is expired
  • OfflineContentLicenseRenewedEvent to get notified when the license was renewed
  • ContentDownloadCanceledEvent to get notified when the content download was cancelled
  • ContentDownloadResumedEvent to get notified when the content download was resumed
  • ContentDownloadProgressChangedEvent to get notified for every progress change during the content download
  • ContentDownloadSuspendedEvent to get notified when the content download was suspended
  • ContentDownloadFinishedEvent to get notified when the content download finished successfully
  • OfflineErrorEvent to get notified about any error that happened
  • offlineContentManager(for:id:) to OfflineManager to define a custom unique identifier for OfflineContentManager
  • OfflineContentManager.tweaks namespace to control tweaks for offline content downloads
  • OfflineContentManagerTweaksApi.migrateDownload(remoteAssetUrl:resourceIdentifierCallback:) to enable updating download URL for offline content downloads


  • AudioAddedEvent, AudioChangedEvent and AudioRemovedEvent are now conforming to SourceEvent instead of PlayerEvent
  • Improved documentation of consequences when enabling/disabling TweaksConfig.isCustomHlsLoadingEnabled and TweaksConfig.isNativeHlsParsingEnabled


  • Internal types from public documentation


  • Downloading ClearKey (AES-128) protected content when SourceConfig.title is not set
  • Calling or player.setAudio(trackIdentifier:) before the source finishes loading blocks the main thread


  • All methods on the OfflineManager which are SourceConfig related. From now on the OfflineContentManager should be used
  • OfflineManagerListener and all its methods. From now on the OfflineContentManagerListener should be used

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source
  • Already partially downloaded data for offline playback will be lost and has to be re-downloaded after updating from below 2.64.2 to this version


Released: 2021-11-23


  • Performance issues on iOS 15 when preloading a playlist with many sources
  • A potential crash on iOS 15 when preloading a playlist with many sources

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source
  • Already partially downloaded data for offline playback will be lost and has to be re-downloaded after updating from below 2.64.2 to this version


Released: 2021-11-11


  • Broken playback of downloaded FairPlay protected content when upgrading from SDK version 2.64.2 or below to v3 or from 3.3.0 or below to v3

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source
  • Already partially downloaded data for offline playback will be lost and has to be re-downloaded after updating from below 2.64.2 to this version


Released: 2021-10-12


  • thumbnail(forTime:) API to Source to retrieve thumbnails for non-active sources.


  • A memory leak inside a Source object after it was loaded into a player, which lead to never releasing it

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source
  • Already partially downloaded data for offline playback will be lost and has to be re-downloaded after updating from below 2.64.2 to this version
  • When upgrading to this version, FairPlay protected streams that were downloaded with a version before 2.64.2 for v2 to v3 upgrade or before 3.3.0 for a v3 to v3 upgrade (using OfflineManager) are not playable anymore when the device is offline


Released: 2021-09-28


  • showTitleInSeekBar property in the SystemUserInterfaceConfig to control the visibility of the title above the seek bar on tvOS 15 and above


  • Crash when stopping the cast session after a SourceConfig was used for loading an asset


  • The documentation for showSeekBar and showInfoViews on the SystemUserInterfaceConfiguration to properly reflect it's behaviour on tvOS 15

Known Issues

  • Picture in Picture mode is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1
  • Playback gets stuck when playing a Progressive Ad that results in an AdError
  • Loading a new `Source from a PlayerErrorEvent or a SourceErrorEvent does not work
  • Loading a new Source from a PlaybackFinishedEvent sometimes does not start playback automatically when PlaybackConfig.isAutoPlayEnabled is set to true
  • When our default Bitmovin Player Web UI is used it can happen that the label of an AudioTrack keeps the value of the previous source
  • Already partially downloaded data for offline playback will be lost and has to be re-downloaded after updating from below 2.64.2 to this version
  • When upgrading to this version, FairPlay protected streams that were downloaded with a version before 2.64.2 for v2 to v3 upgrade or before 3.3.0 for a v3 to v3 upgrade (using OfflineManager) are not playable anymore when the device is offline


Released: 2021-09-14


  • movpkg to SourceType to support playback of local MOVPKG files
  • provideLicenseData and persistLicenseData to FairplayConfig for advanced use-cases and external FairPlay license handling


  • Seeking backwards within a playlist is never finished on iOS 15
  • isPlaying occasionally returned false inside an onPlaylistTransition listener method
  • Bitmovin Player Web UI occasionally stays visible after a transition to a subsequent source
  • AirPlayToggleButton not updating to active state when AirPlay is active


  • The ad parameter of the init function in the AdStartedEvent from Optional to non-Optional
  • FairplayConfig.certificateUrl changed from type URL to URL? to enable advanced FairPlay license handling


Released: 2021-08-31


  • AirPlay playback session is paused when iOS device gets locked
  • Subsequent Sources within a playlist don't finish preloading before transitioning on iOS 12


  • Making several Events open for extending and changed their initializers to public for better integration support


Released: 2021-08-19


  • BitmovinCastManagerOptions to specify applicationId, namespace and enableBackgroundSessions when initializing BitmovinCastManager
  • BitmovinCastManagerOptions.enableBackgroundSessions to keep Google Cast sessions active when the app is in background
  • OfflineConfig to configure the offline functionality
  • OfflineConfig.restrictMediaDownloadsToWiFi to specify if an active WiFi connection is required for downloading media for offline playback
  • OfflineManager.initializeOfflineManagerWithOfflineConfig to set the OfflineConfig
  • OfflineManager.isOfflineManagerInitialized to check if the shared instance is already initialized
  • restrictMediaDownloadsToWiFi property on OfflineManager to specify if an active WiFi connection is required for downloading media for offline playback
  • OfflineManagerDelegate which will act as the delegate for OfflineManager
  • areSuspendedDownloadsRestored property on OfflineManager to specify if the OfflineManager has finished restoring suspended downloads


  • BitmovinCastManager.initializeCasting(applicationId:) and BitmovinCastManager.initializeCasting(applicationId:messageNamespace:) in favor of BitmovinCastManager.initializeCasting(options:)


  • Offline FairPlay license renewal and synchronization
  • Failing offline playback for assets with dual-expiry FairPlay licenses
  • Removed internal types from public documentation


Released: 2021-08-03


  • OfflineAudioTrack model that represents audio track for offline download
  • audioTracks property to OfflineTrackSelection for selecting audio tracks to download for offline playback


  • Different text size between single-line and multi-line subtitles when using Bitmovin Player Web UI


  • Make AdErrorEvent open
  • Rename DRMConfig to DrmConfig to follow CamelCase style
  • Rename DRMSystems to DrmSystems to follow CamelCase style


Released: 2021-07-20


  • showSeekBar and showInfoViews properties in SystemUserInterfaceConfig for tvOS to control UI elements' visibility
  • Support to call OfflineManager.usedStorage(for:) during ongoing downloads to keep track of disk storage used


  • The parent type of DrmDataParsedEvent from PlayerEvent to SourceEvent
  • DrmDataParsedEvent to be emitted for inactive sources in a playlist when DRM data is parsed for HLS content


  • No audio on playback when there is no default audio track defined in the asset
  • Unexpected TimeChanged events when calling play right after the PlaybackFinished event
  • Online playback occasionally not starting for AES-128 protected streams
  • StallingEnded event being emitted after Playing event
  • Unexpected MetadataEvents for SCTE tags during seeking


  • Deprecated RenderFirstFrameEvent as this event is never emitted


Released: 2021-06-22


  • MetadataParsedEvent to be emitted for inactive sources in a playlist when Daterange metadata is parsed for HLS content


  • The parent type of MetadataParsedEvent from PlayerEvent to SourceEvent.


  • Issue that SourceConfigs that are not downloaded for offline playback were marked as already downloaded.
  • Offline playback of AES-128 encrypted HLS content when only a variant playlist is used
  • Removed internal extensions from public documentation


Released: 2021-06-08


  • HTTP response status code to for failed DRM requests


Released: 2021-05-26


  • isAirPlayEnabled property in RemoteControlConfig to enable or disable the AirPlay functionality
  • HTTP response status code to for failed DRM requests


  • Incorrect value of isPlaying and isPaused inside the Bitmovin Player Web UI when the PlaybackFinishedEvent is received.


Released: 2021-05-11


  • A StallStartedEvent will now be emitted after a SeekedEvent and TimeShiftedEvent if the seek or timeShift results in stalling


  • Crash when destroying player during ad playback
  • No stalling indicator visible when stalling is in progress when transitioning from one Source to another happens
  • Incorrect Source.loadingState when the following event listeners were called: SourceLoad / SourceLoaded / SourceUnload / SourceLoaded
  • Additional SourceLoaded events when a Source already finished preloading during playback of the previous Source
  • Player is returning data from the previous source inside the PlaylistTransitionEvent (e.g. Player.availableAudio, Player.availableSubtitles)


Released: 2021-04-27


  • Native support for running the SDK on iOS/tvOS simulators on Apple Silicon
  • Player protocol, which replaces the BitmovinPlayer as the main player type
  • PlayerFactory to create Player instances
  • Source protocol as top-level type
  • SourceFactory to create Source instances
  • SourceState indicating the current state of a Source
  • Player.source that returns the currently active source
  • Player.load(source:) to load a single Source
  • PlaylistConfig to configure playback of multiple sources
  • PlaylistOptions to customize additional playlist behaviour
  • Player.playlist namespace to control playback of multiple sources
  • Player.load(playlistConfig:) to load multiple Sources
  • Player.registerPlayerLayer for custom native UI support using an AVPlayerLayer
  • Player.registerPlayerViewController for custom native UI support using an AVPlayerViewController
  • Player.registerAdContainer for custom native UI support to register the container view which should be used for Ad rendering
  • TweaksConfiguration.seekToEndThreshold to configure the threshold when seeking to the end in seconds
  • The sender to the each PlayerListener method to distinguish which Player emitted an event
  • Events
    • PlaybackTransitionEvent to indicate a transition from one Source to another
    • PlayerActiveEvent to indicate the player got a source to load
    • PlayerInactiveEvent to indicate when a player does not have any source anymore


  • AdaptationConfig and NetworkConfig not extending Config
  • CloseButton of the SettingsPanel sliding out of Safe Area in Bitmovin Player Web UI v3
  • Subtitles are rendered very close to the bottom Safe Area in Bitmovin Player Web UI v3


  • The BitmovinPlayer framework is now shipped as XCFramework
  • All Configurations were renamed to Config
  • DurationChangedEvent is no longer fired initially
  • Renamed SourceItem to SourceConfig
  • Renamed SourceItem.itemTitle to SourceConfig.title
  • Renamed SourceItem.itemDescription to SourceConfig.sourceDescription
  • Removed SourceConfig.drmConfigs and introduced SourceConfig.drmConfig to only handle a single DrmConfig
  • Removed SourceConfig.progressiveSources and introduce SourceConfig.progressiveSource to only handle a single ProgressiveSource
  • SourceConfig.options is no longer an optional type
  • Renamed BitmovinPlayerView to PlayerView
  • Moved Player.sourceMetadata to Source.metadata
  • Removed BMP prefix from all public types used from Swift
  • Increased minimum required Google Cast SDK version to 4.4.1+
  • Renamed MediaSourceType to SourceType
  • Rewrote all abbreviations and acronyms to follow CamelCase style
  • Renamed RemoteControlAPI to RemoteControlApi
  • Renamed UserInterfaceAPI to UserInterfaceApi
  • CAF is now used as the default cast receiver
  • Bitmovin Player Web UI v3.25.0 is now used as the default UI


  • Player.setup - Pass the PlayerConfig to the PlayerFactory instead
  • PlayerConfig.sourceConfig - Loading a source from the PlayerConfig is no longer supported
  • ConfigurationUpdatedEvent
  • PlayerView - The BitmovinPlayerView from v2 became the new PlayerView
  • PlaybackType
  • SourceConfig.drmConfigs
  • SourceConfig.add(drmConfig:)
  • Player.streamType - Use SourceConfig.type instead
  • Jsonable implementation
  • All non is* boolean properties on the API when used from ObjC
  • Player.preload
  • iOS/tvOS 10 Support
  • iOS/tvOS 11 Support
  • Support for non CAF Cast Receivers
  • Support for Bitmoivn Player Web UI v2


  • Deprecated MediaSource, AdaptiveSource, HlsSource, ProgressiveSource and DashSource. SourceConfig should instead be constructed using an url and the according SourceType


Released: 2021-05-26


  • Incorrect value of isPlaying and isPaused inside the Bitmovin Player Web UI when the PlaybackFinishedEvent is received


Released: 2021-04-27


  • Support for side-loaded SubtitleTracks when casting to a v3 (CAF) receiver
  • UserInterfaceAPI.scalingMode to dynamically get or set BitmovinPlayerView's ScalingMode
  • ScalingModeChangedEvent to be emitted when BitmovinPlayerView.scalingMode changed
  • SystemUserInterfaceConfiguration#hideFirstFrame to prevent rendering of the first video frame before playback starts when the system UI is used


  • Unexpected TimeChangedEvent is emitted between PlayEvent and PlayingEvent


Released: 2020-04-13


  • TweaksConfiguration.playbackStartBehaviour to configure the player behaviour when is called
  • TweaksConfiguration.unstallingBehaviour to configure the player behaviour when stalling should be exited


  • Local playback starts in addition to remote playback when joining an existing Google Cast session with PlaybackConfiguration.isAutoplayEnabled set to true


Released: 2021-03-30


  • Properties sendManifestRequestsWithCredentials, sendSegmentRequestsWithCredentials and sendDrmLicenseRequestsWithCredentials to the RemoteControlConfiguration to control cookies and credentials on requests made on Chromecast CAF (v3) receivers


  • Type of AdSurvey.uri from URL to String (see the ### Fixed section for more details)


  • Crash if an AdSurvey URL in VAST ad tag contains invalid characters.


Released: 2021-03-16


  • Missing seekbar when joining an existing Google Cast session
  • Live stream starting at wrong playback position when casting
  • Current time is not updating when joining a cast session while remote playback is paused
  • Seek bar is jumping when seeking on the sender device while casting
  • Incorrect values on CastTimeUpdatedEvent when casting to a V2 receiver
  • isMuted returning wrong value when calling mute before load
  • Ad playback does not respect muted state of the player when changed before load


Released: 2021-03-02


  • PlaybackConfiguration.isPictureInPictureEnabled to enable/disable Picture-In-Picture support
  • Picture-In-Picture support with BitmovinPlayer UI


  • Missing events when casting to a V2 receiver
  • TimeChanged events before StartOffset is applied


Released: 2021-03-02


  • Missing events when casting to a V2 receiver


Released: 2021-02-16


  • Support for ControlsShow and ControlsHide events on tvOS when the system UI is used
  • LiveConfiguration to configure live-stream specific settings
  • LiveConfiguration#minTimeshiftBufferDepth to specify a threshold when timeShift should be possible


  • Exclude BitmovinPlayer SDK from arm64 simulator builds when integrated via CocoaPods.


  • Missing payload values on Metadata and MetadataParsed events for SCTE tags containing a = sign


Released: 2021-03-02


  • Missing events when casting to a V2 receiver


Released: 2021-01-19


  • metadata property from the SourceItem is automatically passed to CAF (v3) receivers whenever the source is loaded


  • Duplicated Metadata and MetadataParsed events for SCTE tags
  • isBackgroundEnabled not respected for audio-only assets

Known issues

  • Picture in Picture mode (on System UI) is not working on iOS 14.0 and iOS 14.1


  • Internal type from online documentation


Released: 2020-12-22


  • Player.currentTime and Player.duration during ad playback now return current time and duration of the currently playing ad
  • onPause, onPlay, onPlaying and onTimeChanged events are now also emitted during IMA ad playback


  • Stuck playback when loading an IMA Playlist or a VMAP containing an empty tag
  • Duplicated onPlay and onPlaying events when VMAP ads are started


Released: 2020-12-09


  • Values returned via PlayerAPI.isPlaying and PlayerAPI.isPaused when the player is stalled
  • Missing onTimeChanged events when external playback (e.g. AirPlay) was started during playback
  • Scheduling ads into live-streams results in ads not being played


  • Internal type from online documentation


Released: 2020-11-24


  • beforeInitialization callback to the AdvertisingConfiguration to allow customization of IMASettings
  • disableSubtitleTracksWhileSeeking property to the TweaksConfiguration for temporarily disabling selected subtitle track while seeking to avoid AVPlayer getting stalled permanently with assets having conflicting information about subtitle track duration


  • Missing onPlaying event when play was called during stalling
  • Local UI getting reset when connecting or disconnecting to a Chromecast device
  • Crash if the license key was only configured via the PlayerConfiguration


  • Internal logging being exposed in release builds


Released: 2020-11-10


  • Support for controlling audio tracks when using a CAF (v3) receiver


  • Invalid URL generation for backup manifest URLs, leading to playback failures
  • Background playback on iOS 14.2+ devices


  • Internal types from online documentation


Released: 2020-10-27


  • onAdsManagerAvailable callback to AdvertisingConfiguration to give access to the IMAAdsManager currently in use once it becomes available
  • Id3Metadata, now also holding startTime property
  • startTime to ScteMetadata
  • Support for subtitles loaded from manifest when using a CAF (v3) receiver


  • Inconsistent and jumping timeShift values while playing back live-streams


Released: 2020-10-13


  • Offline playback on iOS 12 and below did not work for certain streams


Released: 2020-10-13


  • Increased minimum deployment target to iOS 10 and tvOS 10


  • Background playback on iOS 14
  • Stability of onPlay, onPlaying and onPause events by relying on AVPlayer.timeControlStatus instead of AVPlayer.rate


  • Support for building for iOS 9 and tvOS 9 in order to ensure stability of onPlay, onPlaying and onPause events


Released: 2020-09-29


  • DrmDataParsedEvent which is fired when EXT-X-KEY information is found in a manifest for FairPlay protected streams. TweaksConfiguration.isNativeHlsParsingEnabled needs to be set to true to receive those events.
  • DrmRequest as subclass of HttpRequest in order to expose FairPlay key request data to the PreprocessHttpRequestDelegate


  • Improved HLS parsing performance when PlayerConfiguration.tweaksConfiguration.isNativeHlsParsingEnabled is enabled


  • Crash when PlayerConfiguration.tweaksConfiguration.isNativeHlsParsingEnabled is enabled and EXT-X-KEY tags are present
  • Crash when PlayerConfiguration.tweaksConfiguration.isNativeHlsParsingEnabled is enabled and SCTE35 tags are present
  • Downloading an asset resulted in only main tracks being downloaded on iOS 14
  • Offline download did not resume after application gets killed before main tracks were downloaded


Released: 2020-09-17


  • Invalid value reported for offline download progress on iOS 14 devices for some assets
  • Inconsistent offline download progress distribution when downloading only specific subtitle tracks
  • Crash when passing a SourceConfiguration without a SourceItem to the load call


Released: 2020-09-15


  • CAF (v3) sender with basic media controls
  • Support for DRM protected content when casting to CAF (v3) receiver
  • BitmovinCastManager.send(metadata:) for sending custom metadata to the cast receiver
  • PlayerAPI.load(sourceItem:) to load a SourceItem directly
  • PlaylistApi to control playlist workflow. Accessible via PlayerAPI.playlist
  • PlaylistConfiguration to configure the playlist feature
  • PlayerAPI.load(playlistConfiguration:) to load a playlist
  • PlayerAPI.load(sourceItem:) to load a single source


  • Update Google IMA SDK to latest stable version (3.12.1)


  • BitmovinCastManager.initializeCasting(applicationId:messageNamespace:) in favor of BitmovinCastManager.initializeCasting(applicationId:castReceiverVersion:messageNamespace:)
  • PlayerApi.load(sourceConfiguration:) in favor of PlayerAPI.load(sourceItem:)


  • Support for Google IMA SDK below version 3.12.1


Released: 2020-09-01


  • Make playerUiCss, supplementalPlayerUiCss and playerUiJs of BMPStyleConfiguration unavailable on tvOS


  • Replaying a source while casting (after playback has finished) did not work


Released: 2020-08-18


  • isDestroyed property to BMPBitmovinPlayer
  • Support for VTT positioning for subtitle tracks which are present in the manifest in combination with our v3 Web-UI (required version > v3.16.0)
  • BMPVttProperties to BMPCue and BMPCueEvent


  • Modernizing our SDK requires the type BitmovinPlayer being renamed to Player to avoid a known Swift limitation due to name collision with the module name. To handle the breaking change as smooth as possible we suggest defining a typealias (typealias BitmovinPlayer = Player) as a top level declaration in any Swift file in the affected target.
  • Xcode 11.4 or newer is required to integrate the SDK
  • Types prefixed with _ are subject to change and not intended to be used outside of the SDK


Released: 2020-08-05


  • Main content (video and audio) occasionally being perceivable before a pre-roll ad when autoplay was enabled even though hideFirstFrame was set to true in BMPBitmovinUserInterfaceConfiguration


  • Google IMA SDK does not need to be linked anymore to enable progressive ad playback


Released: 2020-08-04


  • Possible incorrect event ordering in case a post-roll ad is configured


Released: 2020-07-21


  • Picture In Picture support while background playback is enabled
  • Support for progressive video ads. They can be served from the network or from the device storage which enables basic offline ad support. To schedule progressive video ads, BMPAdSourceTypeProgressive should be used for the according BMPAdSource
  • BMPAdSourceTypeProgressive


  • Replacing the player on the BitmovinPlayerView would result in inconsistent UI behaviour
  • Inconsistent subtitle styling in landscape if Bitmovin Player UI v3 was used
  • Missing onSubtitleChanged event when subtitles are switched via PlayerAPI.setSubtitle(trackIdentifier:) and via System UI consecutively
  • Disabling subtitles during casting does not work
  • Possible memory leak when scheduling Ads
  • Invalid progress calculation when downloading content for offline playback



  • Support for configuring external playback mode while mirroring via AirPlay by setting usesExternalPlaybackWhileExternalScreenIsActive within RemoteControlConfiguration



  • Possibility to select text tracks to be downloaded or ignored for offline playback


Released: 2020-06-09


  • Missing onSubtitleChanged event when subtitles are switched via System UI
  • Empty thumbnail preview on tvOS when EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF playlists are referenced with relative URLs
  • Missing metadata events for consecutively loaded sources
  • Missing metadata events on stream start-up due to race condition




  • BMPAdManifestLoadEvent, which is triggered when the download of an ad manifest starts
  • BMPDownloadConfiguration.tweaksConfiguration along with DownloadTweaksConfiguration.shouldInsertPlaylistTypeTagIfMissing to ensure offline playback of VOD content where the EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE tag is missing


  • Missing BMPMetadataEvents for live streams


  • Update Google IMA SDK to latest stable version (3.11.4)


  • Support for Google IMA SDK below version 3.11.1


Released: 2020-05-12


  • BMPDownloadConfiguration along with to allow configuring content downloads for offline playback
  • Support for offline playback of AES-128 encrypted HLS content. Set BMPDownloadConfiguration.supportClearKeyContent to enable it when downloading AES-128 encrypted content
  • PlayerConfiguration.key to be able to overwrite the Bitmovin license key that is stated in the Info.plist. This enables using different player instances with different license keys.


  • Reduced time needed to parse huge M3U8 playlists


  • in favor of


Released: 2020-04-14


  • Support for Chapter Markers on tvOS. These can be set via BMPSourceItem.metadata by setting an array of AVNavigationMarkersGroup using the BMPMetadataIdentifierNavigationMarker identifier.


  • HLS master playlist is no longer being downloaded twice


  • PlayerAPI.videoQuality now returns nil instead of a default quality with 0 values for variant playlist only sources
  • PlayerAPI.availableVideoQualities is now empty for variant playlist only sources


Released: 2020-03-31


  • BMPImaAdData.traffickingParameters to provide trafficking parameters associated with an ad when using the IMA SDK


  • Potential crash when delivering the BMPAdStartedEvent


Released: 2020-03-16


  • Support for forced subtitles


  • Potential missing initial SubtitleChanged event if no default or forced subtitle is present


Released: 2020-03-02


  • BMPSourceItem.options to configure a custom startOffset


  • Live-streams without a EXT-X-START tag will no longer start at the live-edge. Per default it will start at the point in time where the stream was loaded into the player (this is the default behaviour of AVPlayer). To always start at the live-edge make sure to enable autoplay or make use of the new BMPSourceOptions.startOffset configuration.


  • EXT-X-START was not respected correctly


Released: 2020-02-17


  • BMPBitmovinUserInterfaceConfiguration#hideFirstFrame to prevent rendering of the first video frame before playback starts
  • AdBreakStarted and AdBreakFinished events now include information about the related AdBreak
  • AdStarted, AdFinished and AdSkipped events now include information about the related Ad
  • AdError event now includes the AdConfiguration that caused the error, if this information is available
  • AdManifestLoaded event after an ad manifest has finished downloading, which includes information about the download timing and the AdBreak, or the AdConfiguration for ad tags that do not result in an AdBreak like VMAP tags
  • AdQuartile event contains information about triggered quartile


  • Seekbar position marker not updating while casting


  • The poster image now hides on playing instead of play


Released: 2020-02-03


  • Support for side-loaded VTT subtitles in combination with our Bitmovin UI by providing them via BMPSubtitleTracks on the BMPSourceItem


Released: 2020-01-20


  • customHlsLoadingEnabled property to the TweaksConfiguration to disable custom HLS playlist loading. I.e. if disabled, the playlists will be loaded by the AVFoundation framework instead of the Bitmovin Player


Released: 2019-12-18


  • API call to get currentTime either as relative or absolute value in case of live-streams


Released: 2019-12-11


  • No inband caption rendering if BMPBitmovinPlayerView is used with user interface type system


Released: 2019-12-09


  • Warning if #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE tag is not present in a variant playlist


  • Potential crash if the BMPBitmovinPlayerView is created for an active player


  • Documentation for OfflineManager#createSourceItemForSourceItem:restrictedToAssetCache: is now reflecting prerequisites if DRM protected content is used.


Released: 2019-11-20


  • Wrong character encoding of Bitmovin Player UI
  • Live streams not starting on the live edge


Released: 2019-11-11


  • Buffer API implementation to provide information about available buffer


  • Whenever an additional sender wants to connect to an already running cast session, the according receiver app gets restarted.


  • Manifest loading for certain SSAI streams
  • Not updating Bitmovin Player UI V3 during casting.
  • Potentially incorrect asset download state after app was killed and restarted while downloading


Released: 2019-10-28


  • Wrong timing of onControlsHide event
  • -12645 system error when trying to play offline content


  • The system's default subtitle selection is now respected if no default track is present in the manifest


Released: 2019-10-14


  • Touching the live button (or duration label) results in UI staying visible


  • Update Bitmovin Player UI to version 2.22.1.


Released: 2019-10-09


  • Support for parsing URL parameters of multiple #EXT-X-KEY tags


  • Crash while parsing #EXT-X-KEY tag with METHOD=NONE


Released: 2019-09-30


  • timeChangedInterval to BMPTweaksConfiguration to specify how frequent an TimeChangedEvent should be fired


Released: 2019-09-16


  • Convenience method BitmovinCastManager.sendMessage for sending messages to the cast receiver


  • No variant playlist parsing when the master manifest was redirected
  • ClearKey (AES-128) streams not playing


  • Timing of impression tracking


Released: 2019-09-02


  • Send BMPDownloadFinishedEvent also for playlist downloads
  • Property lastRedirectLocation to the BMPDownloadFinishedEvent
  • Update Google Cast SDK to latest stable version (4.4.4)
  • Update Google IMA SDK to latest stable version (3.9.2)
  • Support to set custom artwork data when downloading assets to show up in "Review Downloaded Videos"
  • Include BMPSourceItem#metadata attribute when sending the source to the cast device


  • Missing hour representation in Bitmovin Player UI v3
  • Unloading of currently playing ad when player is destroyed
  • Redirected master manifest requests are now handled properly


Released: 2019-08-19


  • Possible runtime crash caused by incorrect thread handling
  • Download percentage calculation when app is terminated and restarted while downloads are running


Released: 2019-08-13


  • Pass current timeshift value via source.options to the cast receiver app even when the cast source is configured via prepareSource


Released: 2019-08-05


  • Error propagation when DRM license key could not be persisted
  • Pass current timeshift value via source.options to the cast receiver app when starting a cast session


  • SubtitleSelectBox not updating in Web UI v3 when changing the subtitles via setSubtitle API method
  • AudioTrackSelectBox was missing when using the Bitmovin Web UI v3
  • Multiple MetadataParsed events for the same SCTE tag


Released: 2019-08-01


  • Retry logic for failed requests when downloading thumbnail images for offline playback


  • False error state when NSURLSession delegate has been called multiple times for the same asset download


Released: 2019-07-22


  • Stuck background download tasks of thumbnails under certain circumstances


Released: 2019-07-11


  • Background download of thumbnails
  • Display of thumbnails when WebVTT file doesn't include coordinates


Released: 2019-07-08


  • BMPTweaksConfiguration to apply preset tweaks to the BitmovinPlayer
  • Possibility to communicate between a custom Bitmovin Player UI and the native environment by using a CustomMessageHandler which can be set on the BitmovinUserInterfaceConfiguration.
  • EXT-X-SCTE35 Tags Support


  • Downloading a source with minimum bitrate also downloads the highest rendition for non-muxed streams


Released: 2019-06-11


  • Possibility to synchronize expiration dates for an offline DRM license


  • SourceError when trying to play back an offline asset after license has been renewed.


Released: 2019-05-16


  • Downloading a SourceItem with provided minimum bitrate


Released: 2019-05-13


  • (De-)Serialization of Widevine DRM headers
  • Offline thumbnail scrubbing for independent images


Released: 2019-05-02


  • Notification handling if system storage runs out of space during download
  • BMPBitmovinPlayer returned wrong states for isPlaying, isPaused and isMuted if an ad was playing.
  • Resuming the download of an asset after the app was killed


Released: 2019-04-17


  • AirPlay icon within the default Bitmovin UI


Released: 2019-04-12


  • Set volume level and mute state also for the currently playing ad and not just for queued ads


Released: 2019-04-08


  • API call to the BMPOfflineManager to renew an offline DRM license
  • Error in case an DRM certificate request fails


  • Downloading a source after it was deleted previously


Released: 2019-04-03


  • Codec property to the quality model classes (BMPVideoQuality, BMPAudioQuality)


Released: 2019-03-20


  • prepareLicenseServerUrl callback to the BMPFairplayConfiguration to manipulate license request URIs.
  • API call currentVideoFrameRate to fetch the currently playing video frame rate from the player.
  • Ability to integrate frameworks via Carthage. Read more on how to get started with it here.
  • Bitmovin UI v3 support


  • For live streams, currentTime now returns the current playback time as a Unix timestamp.


Released: 2019-03-07


  • ErrorEvent from the OfflineContentManager when the download fails due to insufficient storage
  • Chromecast button to Bitmovin UI
  • API call usedStorageForSourceItem: on BMPOfflineManager to check the used disk space for a specific offline source item


  • TimeShift behavior when casting a live stream
  • Mutated while being enumerated exception when initializing BitmovinPlayerView


Released: 2019-02-20


  • Support for timed onMetadata events for EXT-X-DATERANGE metadata contained in HLS manifests
  • Support for offline thumbnail scrubbing
  • Error event if player item fails to play to end


  • Unmute via the UI did not unmute the player
  • Wrong seekTarget values in SeekEvent when using BMPUserInterfaceTypeSystem
  • Provide overall download progress for a single source item instead of reporting the progress of its sub-tasks.
  • Jumping scrubber in the Bitmovin Player UI for live streams when autoplay is enabled


Released: 2019-02-06


  • setSubtitleStyles API call to BitmovinPlayerView to allow changing subtitle styles during playback
  • Explicit reporting of DRM license errors
  • A flag to the BMPSystemUserInterfaceConfiguration to enable/disable the 'Auto' subtitle option on tvOS.


  • onSubtitleChanged event was never fired on tvOS


Released: 2018-01-24


  • onPlaying event listener in combination with BMPPlayingEvent to BMPPlayerListener
  • onMetadataParsed with corresponding BMPMetadataParsedEvent
  • Support for EXT-X-DATERANGE tags in HLS manifests
  • onAirplayChanged event listener to get notified when an AirPlay session starts or ends
  • sourceMetadata API call to BitmovinPlayer to allow setting/changing source related metadata during playback


  • Ad events not being fired if multiple ad breaks are scheduled at the same position
  • Support any metadata of type AVMetadataItem for the BMPSourceItem


Released: 2018-12-21


  • Thumbnail support to the BitmovinPlayer
  • Support of local certificate URLs for FairPlay streaming
  • Property scalingMode to BMPStyleConfiguration to control scaling/stretching of video content
  • Property userInterfaceConfiguration to BMPStyleConfiguration to allow user-interface specific style configurations
  • Property metadata to BMPSourceItem to allow setting metadata on the source item


  • Documentation of BMPSourceItem#progressiveSources
  • Broken local Web-UI when casting live streams


Released: 2018-11-29


  • Official support for iOS Cast Sender SDK 4.3.3
  • BMPAdSourceTypeUnknown to BMPAdSourceType enum


  • Property clickThroughUrl is now optional when instantiating BMPAdStartedEvent


  • BMPDestroyEvent does not get fired
  • Indirect retain-cycle between BitmovinPlayer and BitmovinPlayerView when IMA ad integration is used


Released: 2018-11-15


  • Warning events are delivered to the onWarning event listener method in the PlayerListener protocol.


  • Player continues playback after it was destroyed


Released: 2018-11-01


  • Crash when using latest Google Cast sender library version 4.3.3 in production application


Released: 2018-10-25


  • Missing documentation for configuration classes
  • Support for FairPlay Key Rotation


  • Web UI is rendered in an incorrect state when a BitmovinPlayer instance is attached to a BitmovinPlayerView after playback has started


Released: 2018-10-10


  • Web UI breaks after system picker view was shown on iOS 12 +


Released: 2018-10-09


  • First version of
  • Support for image subtitles in Bitmovin UI
  • Support for custom receiver configuration values (key/value pairs) within the RemoteControlConfiguration
  • DownloadFinishedEvent for DRM license request and DRM certificate requests


  • Updated to web UI version 2.19.0