How does offline DRM work on Bitmovin?

Offline playback allows target devices to persist DRM licenses locally so that downloaded DRM protected assets can be played without requiring any connectivity. From encoding standpoint, there is no special handling required for offline playback. Bitmovin Encoding Service can encrypt your assets ready to be served with premium DRMs such as PlayReady, FairPlay, Widevine and Marlin.

For playback, there are extra steps however. First of all, DRM protected assets needs to be downloaded and stored locally. Secondly, your DRM license service vendor must issue persistent licenses so that DRM licenses can be stored locally. Otherwise temporary DRM licenses cannot be stored by front-end apps, hence offline playback wouldn’t be possible. Please check with your DRM vendor to confirm.

Bitmovin Player SDKs for iOS/tvOS and Android provide high level download management API to easily introduce asset downloading capability into your apps. DRM license acquisition is also handled automatically by Bitmovin SDKs. Once you configure DRM parameters such as license URL, Bitmovin Player SDKs would request and store DRM licenses automatically. When device is offline, the downloaded asset and DRM license would be located and loaded during playback. Bitmovin Player SDKs support Widevine on Android and FairPlay on iOS/tvOS for offline viewing. Bitmovin Player SDK for Web does not support offline playback.

You can check this tutorial for more details about iOS/tvOS and this tutorial for Android.

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