Streaming DRM protected content with Bitmovin Player Android SDK
As DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected content is often crucial for certain streaming infrastructures, this tutorial aims to help you get started with Bitmovin Player Android SDK DRM setup.
Briefly about DRM
In a nutshell, DRM systems provide the ability to control how people can consume your content while securing it against piracy using various encryption schemes. As the topic itself is quite complex we will not cover the details of how it works as part of this tutorial, but if you are completely new to the topic of DRM and you want to learn more you can visit our dedicated article - What is DRM and How Does it Work.
All the DRM solutions mentioned in this tutorial are self sufficient systems that can be used independently of one another.
As the device portfolio that needs to be covered for streaming across the user base is very diverse in terms of DRM systems support, it leads to a need to use a so called Common Encryption Schema (CENC). This approach allows different DRM systems to decrypt commonly encrypted content to save the infrastructure costs. This means that Multi-DRM content packaging output supports more DRM systems, so more devices can be covered.
Example of CENC present in MPEG-DASH mpd
manifest file
<!-- Common Encryption -->
<!-- PlayReady -->
<!-- Widevine -->
This tutorial focuses on DRM systems that are most commonly used across the OTT industry. We will cover examples for Widevine (Google) and PlayReady (Microsoft) systems and we will also mention the ClearKey encryption system as a free security alternative. You can check the complete support list in our Bitmovin Player DRM support page.
Widevine is usually very easy to setup for playback using a license server URL configured via licenseUrl
property using the WidevineConfig
. The license server URL can be also defined inside of the stream manifest, but player will prefer the one defined in the DrmConfig if it is present.
val sourceConfig = SourceConfig(
type = SourceType.Dash,
drmConfig = WidevineConfig(
licenseUrl = TODO("LICENSE_URL")
Preferred security level
Through the configuration it is possible to define the security level of the Widevine DRM key system. If a string specifies a higher security level than the system is able to support playback will fail. Setting of the required security level is configurable using preferredSecurityLevel
val sourceConfig = SourceConfig(
type = SourceType.Dash,
drmConfig = WidevineConfig(
licenseUrl = TODO("LICENSE_URL")
).apply {
preferredSecurityLevel = "L3"
Preparing license message
In some workflows it may be required to prepare the license acquisition message which will be sent to the license acquisition server. As many DRM providers expect different, vendor-specific message, this can be done using the prepareMessageCallback
. Also the prepareLicenseCallback
option can be used for custom Widevine servers where the response is not just the license itself, but instead the license is e.g. wrapped in an JSON object.
val sourceConfig = SourceConfig(
type = SourceType.Dash,
drmConfig = WidevineConfig(
licenseUrl = TODO("LICENSE_URL")
).apply {
prepareMessageCallback = PrepareMessageCallback { keyMessage -> keyMessage }
prepareLicenseCallback = PrepareLicenseCallback { licenseResponse -> licenseResponse }
The PlayReady DRM system is supported only on Android TV devices. It is usually configured simply by providing the license server URL through the licenseUrl
field, same as the way Widevine is configured.
val sourceConfig = SourceConfig(
type = SourceType.Dash,
drmConfig = PlayReadyConfig(
licenseUrl = TODO("LICENSE_URL")
License request handling
If the infrastructure requires additional license request setup it is possible to use the httpHeaders property on the specific DRM system present in DrmConfig
to add the appropriate headers to the license requests.
Example Of Headers Setup
val sourceConfig = SourceConfig(
type = SourceType.Dash,
drmConfig = PlayReadyConfig(
licenseUrl = TODO("LICENSE_URL")
).apply {
httpHeaders = mutableMapOf("key" to "value")
Using Bitmovin Player network API
It is also possible to use the NetworkConfig to setup the interception of the license requests or responses using preprocessHttpRequestCallback
or preprocessHttpResponseCallback properties on the network configuration.
val player = Player(
playerConfig = PlayerConfig(
networkConfig = NetworkConfig(
preprocessHttpRequestCallback = { type, request ->
if (type == HttpRequestType.DrmLicenseWidevine) {
request.headers = mapOf("key" to "value")
To setup ClearKey content protection, ClearKeyConfig can be used.
val sourceConfig = SourceConfig(
type = SourceType.Dash,
drmConfig = ClearKeyConfig(
key = TODO("key"),
kid = TODO("kid"),
Provider-specific Recipes
These recipes are based on the BasicDRMPlayback sample.
Updated about 1 month ago