Analytics dashboard metrics reference
A list of all the metrics from the Bitmovin Analytics dashboard, including a description of the metric and how it is sorted in the dashboard. If there is no explanation about the sorting included, the metric is sorted by the metric itself in a descending way.
Audience metrics
Name of the metric | Sorted by | Description |
Plays | Plays | We count a Play whenever a user pressed play and consequently saw at least one frame of a video. |
Play Attempts | Play Attempts | Play Attempts count the number of viewers that have pressed the play button to attempt to play a video. |
Unique Users | Unique Users | Unique Users shows the number of unique users that saw at least one frame of a video. |
Concurrent Viewers | Concurrent Viewers | Concurrent Viewers shows the number of viewers that saw at least one frame of a video during the same time interval. |
Total Page Loads | Page Loads | Total Page Loads reports the number of page loads during a time interval. Important to note here is that a page load can coincide with multiple player loads. Even if two players are loaded we only count one Page Load . |
Total Hours Watched | Hours Watched | Total Hours Watched is the total amount of video hours consumed by all viewers during the selected timeframe. |
Average View Time | Average View Time | Average View Time shows the average time viewers have watched a single content piece. Breakdowns for this metric are sorted by Average View Time . |
Quality of experience metrics
Name of the metric | Sorted by | Description |
Video Startup Time | Video Starts | Video Startup Time is the amount of time it takes from starting the playback until the first frame is displayed to the viewer. Breakdowns for Video Startup Time are sorted by the number of Video Starts . |
DRM Load Time | DRM Licenses Loaded | DRM Load Time measures the time it takes to retrieve the DRM encryption key. Breakdowns for ‘DRM Load Time’ are sorted by the number of DRM Licenses Loaded . |
Seek Time | Seeks | Seek Time is the duration it takes from initiating a seek until the playback resumes at the new position. Breakdowns for this metric are sorted by the number of Seeks that occured during the time frame selected. |
Error Percentage | Number of Errors | The Error Percentage shows the errors in relation to the number of sessions considered. Breakdowns for Error Percentage are sorted by the number of sessions that actually had an error. Additionally we display the number of Session Considered , as errors might occur before a video starts. |
Start Failures | Start Failures | Start Failures measure the amount of play attempts that failed due to a technical reason. Possible failure reasons are PLAYER_ERROR or TIMEOUT.We count a session as TIMEOUT when the player does not send a playing event for 60 seconds, so when the viewer didn't see the first frame of a video within 60 seconds. Due to platform limitations Start Failures only include TIMEOUT as Start Failure Reason on Roku Native and Bitmovin Roku SDK . |
Rebuffering Percentage | Rebuffering Percentage | Rebuffering Percentage is the average time a user had to wait for video segment downloads in relation to the total time a user spent watching a video. Breakdowns for this metric are sorted by Rebuffering Percentage . As an additional metric, we show Played , which is the sum of play and buffering time, so you can evaluate how much play and buffering time the selected category saw. |
Buffering Time | Buffering Time | Buffering Time shows the average buffering duration per Play . It is an indicator of how much buffering every Play experienced on average.Breakdowns for Buffering Time are sorted by Buffering Time , so you always see those categories first, which had the highest value for that metric.. |
Data Downloaded | Data Downloaded | Data Downloaded shows the amount of video data downloaded during playback sessions by usersThe metric cannot be retrieved on AVFoundation and Bitmovin iOS SDK due to platform restrictions. |
Bandwidth | Bandwidth | Bandwidth shows the average download speed your users have experienced during their video sessions.The metric cannot be retrieved on AVFoundation and Bitmovin iOS SDK due to platform restriction. |
Video Bitrate | Play Duration | Video Bitrate shows the average played bitrate across all plays on the platform. Breakdowns for this metric are sorted by the total Play Duration on the selected category. |
Scale Factor | Plays | Scale Factor is a numeric indicator of the relationship between the playback window size and the resolution your stream was delivered on. Breakdowns for this metric are sorted by the number of Sessions Considered , counting only those sessions where the player was loaded in the foreground. |
Top Subtitles | w/ Subtitle [Language] | Top Subtitles show the most used subtitles. When one specific subtitle is selected, breakdowns for this metric are sorted by the number of sessions that were able to track subtitles (depending on the collector and if subtitles were available in the video). |
Top Audio Tracks | w/ Audio Track [Language] | Top Audio Tracks show the most selected audio tracks. When one specific subtitle is selected, breakdowns for this metric are sorted by the number of sessions that were able to track audio tracks (depending on collector and if an audio track was available). |
Server Side Advertising
Name of the metric | Sorted by | Description |
Ad Count | Ad Count | Ad Count measure the number of ads that started during a video playback session. It does not consider whether the ad was completed; the count is based solely on whether the ad began. |
Ad Rebuffer Percentage | Ad Rebuffer Percentage | Ad Rebuffering Percentage is the average time a user had to wait for ad segment downloads in relation to the total time spent watching ads during video playback session. |
Ad Error Percentage | Number of Errors | The Ad Error Percentage shows the number of errors during ads in relation to all sessions that contain ads. |
Ad Top Error Codes | Ad Top Error Codes | The Ad Top Error Codes visualise the most frequent error codes encountered during ad playback, grouped by platform, player and player version. It does not include error code 10000 (QUALITY_CHANGE_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED). |
Total Ad Error Sessions | Total Ad Error Sessions | The Total Ad Error Sessions show the total number of ad session during which an error occurred. |
Ad Failed Beacon URLs | Ad Failed Beacon URLs | This metric shows the number of SSAI ad beacons which failed to load. Each quartile of an ad has a beacon which is called when playback reaches the end of that quartile. This metric shows the number of beacons which failed to load for each quartile. |
Ad Abandonment Rate | Ad Abandonment Rate | This metric shows the percentage of ad plays which started but not completed. If a viewer starts playing an ad but doesn't watch the ad until completion, this is counted as an abandonment. |
First Quartile | First Quartile | This metric shows the total number of ad plays which reached at least 25% of the ad's total duration. |
Midpoint | Midpoint | This metric shows the total number of ad plays which reached at least 50% of the ad's total duration. |
Third Quartile | Third Quartile | This metric shows the total number of ad plays which reached at least 75% of the ad's total duration. |
Completed | Completed | This metric shows the total number of ad plays which completed the full duration of the ad. |
Updated 6 months ago