Setup advertising with Google IMA
Since Google IMA is a third-party SDK and not shipped as part of the Bitmovin Player, you must first add the necessary dependencies to the project.
Google offers multiple ways how you can add the SDK to your project:
See the IMA SDK getting started guide for more details.
Add the IMA SDK Pod to your Podfile:
pod 'GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.22.0'
Swift Package Manager
Starting from version 3.18.4
, the IMA SDK is also provided through SPM. Open your Project and specify the dependency in Project > Package Dependencies using the following URL:
If you don't want to use Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods, you can download the IMA SDK and add it to your project manually.
Where to go from here?
By adding the dependency, the IMA integration is enabled in the Bitmovin Player and can be used with the AdSourceType.ima
. You can follow Setting up Ads with the iOS SDK to schedule and playback your first ad.
Updated 11 months ago