Android Collector Migration Guide from API v2 to v3
We introduced our new v3 API with breaking changes. Together with the major version release, we also integrated our Analytics collector directly into Bitmovin Player (starting with player version 3.41.0
This guide explains how to migrate from our v2 collector to the new v3 API which is pre-integrated into the Bitmovin Player. This guide also explains how to migrate our ExoPlayer collector to the latest API.
For more information about the reason behind these changes see Native Collector API v3.
Overview of changes
Bitmovin Player introduced a new Analytics API to simplify the setup and configuration of Analytics.
All public data classes used by the v3 API have been moved into the package
and are immutable.
The old BitmovinAnalyticsConfig
is now split within AnalyticsConfig
, holding all config information, and DefaultMetadata
and SourceMetadata
which holds metadata to enrich the analytics data. DefaultMetadata
contains source independent metadata (e.g.: customUserId
) and SourceMetadata
contains source related metadata.
moved to different package, is immutable and has a customData object with all customData fields (customData1-30).
Old Collector classes with constructors are deprecated and should be replaced by the player-specific factories.
Migrating to the new API
Bitmovin Player
Starting with version 3.41.0
, the Bitmovin Player for Android includes Analytics out of the box.
This section describes how to migrate from the standalone v2 Analytics collector to the pre-integrated collector in the Player.
Step 1: Remove dependency to standalone collector
The player has a direct dependency on the analytics collector, and therefore there's no explicit dependency to the collector needed anymore.
- implementation ""
Step 2: Move to the integrated collector
Configure Player with Analytics and remove the standalone collector
The new configuration class AnalyticsConfig
only contains behavioural settings for the collector, and no metadata. For a minimal setup, only the analytics license needs to be specified. The integrated analytics simplifies usage compared to the standalone collector since there is no explicit attaching and detaching needed anymore.
- val collector = BitmovinPlayerCollector(bitmovinAnalyticsConfig, appContext)
+ val analyticsConfig = AnalyticsConfig(licenseKey = "<YOUR ANALYTICS LICENSE KEY>")
+ val player = Player(
+ context = appContext,
+ playerConfig = PlayerConfig(),
+ analyticsConfig = AnalyticsPlayerConfig.Enabled(analyticsConfig)
+ )
- collector.attach(player)
- collector.detach()
Move metadata from BitmovinAnalyticsConfig
to SourceMetadata
and add it to the source
to SourceMetadata
and add it to the source- val bitmovinAnalyticsConfig = BitmovinAnalyticsConfig(analyticsKey)
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.title = "example title"
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.videoId = "exampleVideoId"
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.path = "bitmovin.ExampleActivity"
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.cdnProvider = "testCdnProvider"
- bitmvoinAnalyticsConfig.isLive = true
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.experimentName = "experiment-1"
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.customData1 = "exampleData1"
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.customData2 = "exampleData2"
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.customData3 = "exampleData3"
+ val customData = CustomData(
+ customData1 = "exampleData1",
+ customData2 = "exampleData2",
+ customData3 = "exampleData3",
+ experimentName = "experiment-1",
+ )
+ val sourceMetadata = SourceMetadata(
+ title = "example title",
+ videoId = "exampleVideoId",
+ path = "bitmovin.ExampleActivity",
+ cdnProvider = "testCdnProvider",
+ isLive = true,
+ customData = customData
+ )
+ val source = Source(sourceConfig, sourceMetadata)
Move metadata from BitmovinAnalyticsConfig
to DefaultMetadata
to DefaultMetadata
Metadata that is independent of the source can be set through the DefaultMetadata
parameter when creating the player. If certain fields are specified in both, SourceMetadata
and DefaultMetadata
(e.g.: customData1
, experimentName
, cdnProvider
), SourceMetadata
takes precedence.
- val bitmovinAnalyticsConfig = BitmovinAnalyticsConfig(analyticsKey)
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.customUserId = "exampleUserId"
- bitmovinAnalyticsConfig.customData4 = "appVersion_4.0"
+ val defaultMetadata = DefaultMetadata(
+ customUserId = "exampleUserId",
+ customData = CustomData(customData4 = "appVersion_4.0")
+ )
+ val player = Player(
+ context = appContext,
+ playerConfig = PlayerConfig(),
+ analyticsConfig = AnalyticsPlayerConfig.Enabled(analyticsConfig, defaultMetadata),
+ )
Use the Player API to modify CustomData
// changing of customData on currently active source
- collector.customData = collector.customData.copy(customData1 = "newValue")
+ player.source?.analytics?.let {
+ it.customData = it.customData.copy(customData1 = "newValue")
+ }
// sending of a "customDataChanged" event
- collector.sendCustomDataEvent(customData)
Replace BitmovinAnalyticsConfig
with AnalyticsConfig
with AnalyticsConfig
The new configuration class AnalyticsConfig
only contains behavioural settings for the collector, and no metadata. For a minimal setup, only the analytics license needs to be specified.
- val config = BitmovinAnalyticsConfig(key = "<YOUR_ANALYTICS_LICENSE_KEY>")
+ val config = AnalyticsConfig(licenseKey = "<YOUR_ANALYTICS_LICENSE_KEY>")
Add DefaultMetadata
(Optional)Metadata that is independent of the source can be set through the DefaultMetadata
parameter when creating the player. If certain fields are specified in both objects, SourceMetadata
and DefaultMetadata
(e.g.: customData1
, experimentName
, cdnProvider
), SourceMetadata
takes precedence.
- config.cdnProvider = "exampleCdnProvider"
- config.customerUserId = "exampleCustomUserId"
- config.customData1 = "exampleCustomData1"
+ val defaultMetadata = DefaultMetadata(
+ cdnProvider = "exampleCdnProvider",
+ customUserId = "exampleCustomUserId",
+ customData = CustomData(customData1 = "exampleCustomData1")
+ )
Replace old constructor call with new factory method call
Create the analytics collector with the player specific factory. defaultMetadata
is an optional parameter.
- val collector = ExoPlayerCollector(config, applicationContext)
+ val collector = IExoPlayerCollector.Factory.create(applicationContext, config, defaultMetadata)
Move metadata from BitmovinAnalyticsConfig
to SourceMetadata
to SourceMetadata
(Optional)The video specific metadata is now provided by SourceMetadata
- config.videoId = "exampleId"
- config.title = "exampleTitle"
- config.path = "example.Activity"
- config.isLive = true
- config.cdnProvider = "exampleCdnProvider"
- config.customData2 = "exampleCustomData2"
+ val sourceMetadata = SourceMetadata(
+ videoId = "exampleId",
+ title = "exampleTitle",
+ path = "example.Activity",
+ isLive = true,
+ cdnProvider = "exampleCdnProvider",
+ customData = CustomData(customData2 = "exampleCustomData2")
+ )
+ collector.sourceMetadata = sourceMetadata
Appendix: Mappings
Config and Metadata classes
v2 | v3 |
---|---| | | | |
Interfaces / Factories
v2 | v3 |
---|---| | | | |
v2 BitmovinAnalyticsConfig | v3 AnalyticsConfig |
key | licenseKey |
ads | adTrackingDisable |
randomizeUserid | randomizeUserId |
config.tryResendDataOnFailedConnection | retryPolicy = RetryPolicy.SHORT_TERM |
config.longTermRetryEnabled | retryPolicy = RetryPolicy.LONG_TERM |
backendUrl | backendUrl |
playerKey | removed (autodetected) |
v2 BitmovinAnalyticsConfig | v3 DefaultMetadata |
cdnProvider | cdnProvider |
customUserId | customUserId |
customData1 - customData30 | customData object with customData1 - customdata30 |
experimentName | customData object with experimentName |
v2 BitmovinAnalyticsConfig | v3 SourceMetdata |
title | title |
videoId | videoId |
path | path |
isLive | isLive |
cdnProvider | cdnProvider |
customData1 - customData30 | customData object with customData1 - customdata30 |
experimentName | customData object with experimentName |
mpdUrl' , progUrl and m3u8Url | removed (autodetected) |
All Collectors
v2 | v3 |
collector.addDebugListener(listener) | removed |
collector.removeDebugListener(listener) | removed |
Bitmovin Player Collector / Player Integrated Analytics
v2 | v3 |
collector.customData = newCustomData | player.source?.analytics?.customData = newCustomData |
collector.sendCustomDataEvent(customData | |
collector.impressionId | |
collector.userId | |
Updated 12 months ago