Can I use Media3/ExoPlayer and the Bitmovin Player Android SDK in the same project?
The Bitmovin Player Android SDK and Media3/ExoPlayer cannot necessarily be used in the same app out of the box. The reason is that the Bitmovin Player Android SDK uses a modified version of Media3/ExoPlayer internally. This can lead to collisions in the different Media3 version’s namespaces.
Bitmovin's modified Media3 (or previously ExoPlayer) modules are not intended to be used directly and doing so may result in unexpected behavior.
To enable the coexistence of both, the Bitmovin Player Android SDK is also available as a separate artifact that evades namespace and resource collisions and is marked with the +jason
suffix in the player version.
Add the +jason
suffixed Bitmovin Player Android SDK as a dependency to your project as below instead of the regular Bitmovin Player Android SDK:
implementation 'com.bitmovin.player:player:3.51.0+jason'
Bitmovin Player Android SDK versions before 3.51.0+jason
might show problems regarding duplicate resources in combination with Media3/Exoplayer. We recommend upgrading to the latest version.
Updated about 1 year ago