Configuring Now Playing Information
This guide explains how to configure Now Playing information for your app. Enabling Now Playing information allows the app to advertise media playback externally, e.g. on the lock screen or in the control center.
The Bitmovin Player iOS SDK provides a NowPlayingConfig
which is located under PlayerConfig.nowPlayingConfig
. The NowPlayingConfig
can be used to configure and display Now Playing information for your media playback app.
This feature displays metadata like title, artwork, and playback status, and allows to control playback on the lock screen and in the control center.
This guide explains how to enable the feature and how to customize it to your needs.
Enable Now Playing Information
By default, Now Playing information is disabled. To enable it, set isNowPlayingInfoEnabled
to true
in your player configuration:
let playerConfig = PlayerConfig()
playerConfig.nowPlayingConfig.isNowPlayingInfoEnabled = true
Default Behavior
Enabling Now Playing information displays metadata such as the title and playback duration and enables remote commands like play/pause and skip forward/backward. The default supported metadata and commands are:
Default Metadata
Those metadata fields are populated automatically by Bitmovin Player:
Default Commands
Those commands are by default configured to interact with the Bitmovin Player:
- Play/Pause (
) - Skip Forward (
) - Skip Backward (
) - Change Playback Position (
Customizing Now Playing Information
You can customize or extend Now Playing information after initializing the player. Below are some common customization scenarios:
Enabling Commands That Are Not Enabled by Default
Enable a command, by adding a handler for a command that is not part of the default commands:
let commandCenter = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()
commandCenter.likeCommand.addTarget { event in
return .success
Disabling Default Commands
To disable a default command, remove all of its targets:
let commandCenter = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()
Customizing Command Behavior
You can modify certain command properties, like setting a custom skip interval for skip commands:
let commandCenter = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()
commandCenter.skipForwardCommand.preferredIntervals = [15]
commandCenter.skipBackwardCommand.preferredIntervals = [15]
Overriding Default Commands
To completely override a default command’s behavior, first remove the existing targets and then add your own:
let commandCenter = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()
commandCenter.skipBackwardCommand.addTarget { [weak player] _ in
guard let player else { return .commandFailed }
// Custom skip backward action
return .success
Using Now Playing Info in Your App
Below a complete example how to enable and configure Now Playing information in your app:
import BitmovinPlayer
import SwiftUI
import MediaPlayer
private let streamUrl = URL(string: "")!
private let posterUrl = URL(string: "")!
struct ContentView: View {
private let player: Player
private let sourceConfig: SourceConfig
init() {
// Create player configuration with Now Playing information enabled
let playerConfig = PlayerConfig()
playerConfig.nowPlayingConfig.isNowPlayingInfoEnabled = true
// Create a source config with a poster image and title
sourceConfig = SourceConfig(url: streamUrl, type: .hls)
sourceConfig.posterSource = posterUrl
sourceConfig.title = "Now Playing info demo"
// Create player based on player configuration
player = PlayerFactory.createPlayer(
playerConfig: playerConfig
// Get the shared remote command center
let commandCenter = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared()
// Enable a command, by adding a handler for a command that is not part of the default commands
commandCenter.likeCommand.addTarget { event in
return .success
// Customization: Some commands have customization options. E.g. the skip commands
commandCenter.skipForwardCommand.preferredIntervals = [15]
commandCenter.skipBackwardCommand.preferredIntervals = [15]
var body: some View {
ZStack {
player: player,
playerViewConfig: PlayerViewConfig()
.onAppear {
player.load(sourceConfig: sourceConfig)
Updated 3 months ago